
cutie n.1.=cutey.2.機智靈巧的運動員。3.欺騙行為...


The new lovely teddy sailors are available in two styles , each wearing white or purple cap and blue sailor outfit . the cutie teddy sailor is the best companion of children and it can also become a key ring and a home decor 新渡輪熊bb水手有男女兩款,戴上不同款式的白色紫色水手帽及穿上傳統深藍色水手服,造型活潑可愛,是小朋友的最佳玩伴另外,熊bb配有獨特設計,可作鎖匙扣掛飾擺設等多元化用途。

A pair of lovers riding in a heart - shaped cabin of a wheel while a ferry nearby sending greetings to them is the theme of the valentine s e - card . for the lunar new year e - card , a couple of cutie pigs wishes passengers luck and wealth 情人節賀卡以游樂場為主題,一對情侶在摩天輪的心型卡箱欣賞夜景,一艘新渡輪在不遠處的海面駛過,為情侶送上濃濃的祝福,彌漫著浪漫的情人節氣氛。

Maddox saw off stiff competition from britney spears and kevin federline s son sean preston to top the cute list . madonna and guy ritchie s son rocco and sarah jessica parker and matthew broderick s cutie james wilkie were also voted into the top 10 麥當娜和蓋里奇的兒子羅克以及莎拉杰西卡帕克和馬修布羅德里克的女兒詹姆斯威爾吉也進入了前十名。

Maddox saw off stiff competition from britney spears and kevin federline ' s son sean preston to top the cute list . madonna and guy ritchie ' s son rocco and sarah jessica parker and matthew broderick ' s cutie james wilkie were also voted into the top 10 麥當娜和蓋里奇的兒子羅克以及莎拉杰西卡帕克和馬修布羅德里克的女兒詹姆斯威爾吉也進入了前十名。

Stiff competition from britney spears and kevin federline ' s son sean preston to top the cute list . madonna and guy ritchie ' s son rocco and sarah jessica parker and matthew broderick ' s cutie james wilkie were also voted into the top 10 麥當娜和蓋里奇的兒子羅克以及莎拉杰西卡帕克和馬修布羅德里克的女兒詹姆斯威爾吉也進入了前十名。

Handsome , considerate , charming , cutie , sunshine , and rich , if possible . no offence , but one big tip for those who wanna date me on dressing : hoodie , hip jeans and sneakers . pls do wear something matching , but no leather shoes 尤其是當我走在別人后面的時候,我更要注意這個,因為我知道我做這樣的事情會給你們和我一塊出去玩施加很大的壓力。

Madonna and guy ritchie ' s son rocco and sarah jessica parker and matthew broderick ' s cutie james wilkie were also voted into the top 10 麥當娜和蓋?里奇的兒子羅克以及莎拉?杰西卡?帕克和馬修?布羅德里克的女兒詹姆斯?威爾吉也進入了前十名。

If there ' s anything chinese - american singing cutie wang lee hom hopes to see for the year of the rooster , it would be worldwide recognition for chinese music 在雞年,華裔美籍優質歌手王力宏最希望看到的,便是讓全世界認識華語音樂。

Lovely 1 - yr chingho massages to sleep . he regards the cutie toy cat as his mum & holds her ear in his mouth while massaging 清河(在上水清河?救回來)是一歲的貓仔仔,他侍母至孝,每天都會含著媽咪的耳朵,給媽咪按摩,自己才能入睡

I always photograph badly because i am not a cutie , so i have few photos taken by camera 我時常拍得不好,因為我不可愛,因此我少量的相片是用照相機拍的。

Oh , don ' t you listen to him . he ' s a mama ' s boy . come here , cutie . let me fix your tie 哦,不要聽他的,他是媽媽的好孩子過來,我給你整整領帶

Hi , cutie - pie 嗨,小甜妞

He ' s such a cutie 他真可愛

You ' re a cutie 你個小鬼頭!

You ' re a cutie 你真是個美人兒

Joan : nowadays you would walk over hot coals to slow - dance with a cutie 瓊:現在就算是赴湯蹈火你也會去跟一位可愛的女孩子跳舞。

Oh , what a cutie 哦…好個小可愛

Yep she ' s a cutie 是的,她很可愛

Bye - bye , cutie pie 再見,小帥哥