
cuticle n.【解剖學】表皮,護膜;【植物;植物學】角質層;角皮,...


With powerful cells activating function , the product can activate fiber cells in cuticle , assist to produce proteoglycan , obviously remove wrinkles and firm droopy skin , assist to firm cuticle , improve collagen fiber , make skin firm and rich persistently 能強力賦活真皮纖維細胞,幫助核心蛋白聚糖的生成,顯著改善肌膚皺紋、松弛現象,有助于真皮的即效回復,快速補充其彈性,增強膠原纖維,持續保持肌膚緊實而富有彈性,制造出充盈緊致的肌膚。

By analyzing the wing phenotype , cuticle phenotype of germline clone embryo , deficiency kit mapping , direct sequencing and searching the genome sequence database , three genes : sll , oxt and pygo were identified ( each gene corresponding to one group of mutant alleles ) 并通過綜合分析翅的形態,生殖系克隆胚胎的表皮形態,以及缺失作圖,直接測序和搜索基因組數據庫,鑒定出了三個基因,這三個基因分別對應于該三類突變體等位基因。

The main ingredient of this serum , tamanu oil , assists in formation of new tissue and helps reduction of unsightly age spots . it also gently soothes and restores elasticity to any dry skin area , very good in cases of psoriasis , scalp and hair care , and for hands and cuticles 本精華液蘊含珍貴的達曼尼油tamanu oil ,是一種性質溫和,極保濕及有特效修護作用的香薰油,可以幫助表皮組織重生,增加彈性及減退色斑,對乾性皮膚尤其有效。

Rich vin the blood vessel and give a new lease of life to such many kinds of cell ' s growth factors , repair completely the capillary that is already expanded from cell ' s level , is it pay to recover the normal thickness of leather cuticle , balance epidermis ph index 運用納米超微分子技術,富含血管內壁再造因子等多種細胞生長因子,對已經擴張的毛細血管從細胞水平上給予徹底修復,恢復上皮角質層正常厚度,平衡表皮ph值。

Manufacture and sell of beauty care implements , eyelash curlers , nail files , nail grooming tools , artificial nails , cuticle pushers , nail scrapers , nail clippers , tweezers , beatuy scissors , razors and more light industrial products 專業生?銷售美空護理用具睫毛翻卷夾粉刺用具鑷子眉鉗指甲鉗指甲銼腳皮銼裝飾指甲卷筆刀耳扒表皮推刀指甲刮刀整形片等修整工具鏡梳眉貼眉梳眉刷牙刷剃刀美容剪等輕工?品

3 ) the 3rd group of mutant alleles included f66 , f15 - 28 , f126 and f107 . these alleles showed wing and cuticle phenotypes related to wg signaling pathway . this group of mutant alleles turned out to be a new component of wg singaling pathway 這組的突變體等位基因編碼一個wg信號傳導途徑組成成分干gg由其特點是在n端含有一個核定位信號mls ) ,而在c端則含有一個pho結構域(一種c4hc3鋅指結構) 。

In aerial parts of the plant the outer wall of the epidermis is usually covered by a waxy cuticle that prevents desiccation , protects the underlying cells from mechanical damage , and increases protection against fungi , bacteria , etc 植物地上部分的表皮的最外層通常覆蓋一層蠟質角質層,起保護作用以防止過渡蒸騰,并使下方的細胞免于機械損傷,同時增加對真菌、細菌等的防御能力。

Diversified repairing and relieving ingredients can effective relieve , sooth and calm skin , improve thickness of cuticle , improve skin resistance , prevent sensitive and make weak skin healthy and glossy 多種修復舒緩成份,能有效舒緩、抗敏、安撫敏感肌膚,增加角質層厚度,增強皮膚抵抗力,防止敏感現象,令脆弱肌膚恢復健康亮澤。

Function : it can eliminate dirt , aged cuticle layers , and dead cells deeply hidden in the skin pore , natural nutritional ingredient can moisturize the skin , make your skin bright and display beauty of youth . 功能:將深藏在毛孔內的污垢老化角質枯死細胞徹底消除,天然營養成分能深入滋潤肌膚,令肌膚青春永駐亮麗照人。

Hydrophytes show certain adaptations to such habitats , notably development of aerenchyma , reduction of cuticle , root system , and mechanical and vascular tissues , and divided leaves 水生植物表現出適應水生的特性:具有發達的通氣組織;表皮、根系、機械組織、維管組織退化;葉片分裂;葉片、根和莖中均具有通氣道或氣腔。

Directions : take a little amount of this product , apply it evenly on the face after cleansing , 2 - 3minutes later , rub roundly and lightly , remove the aged cuticle and dead cells , and then cleanse with water 用法:潔面后,取適量涂于面部,待2 - 3分鐘后,在面上徐徐打圈擦拭將老化角質枯死細胞擦除,然后用清水洗凈。

Gently cleanses , balances hair ' s moisture , helps prevent split ends and strengthens the cuticle . helps improve the hair and skin ' s overall appearance with its natural healing properties 純凈感受:每日溫和洗凈,平衡發質保濕,強韌發絲表層鱗片避免發尾分叉,以自然的植物能量療護,幫助頭皮與發質的整體改善。

Skin - care products made from papain such as papain whitening soap , soap , facial cleanser and body wash can help remove cuticle , thus making you skin soft , tender and full of vigor 以木瓜酶為主成分制成的木瓜白膚香皂、肥皂、洗面奶、沐浴露等美容護膚產品可有效去除死皮,令肌膚鮮嫩柔和,充滿活力。

An enriched formula that quickly and gently removes nail polish with essential nutrients to help promote strong , healthy - looking nails and cuticles every time you use it 指甲的結構與頭發類似,就像維他命原滲入頭發一樣,他們同樣滲透入指甲內部,通過營養物質的浸漬使指甲看起來更結實,更美觀!

Abstract : cuticles of christensenia aesculifolia , marattia pellucida , angiopteris caudatiformis and archangiopteris henryi of marattiales were examined by using light and scanning electron microscopes 文摘:運用掃描電鏡和光學顯微鏡對觀音座蓮目4種(屬)植物的葉角質層進行了研究。

Love this stuff ! i use it on my entire hand , not just the cuticle . i don ' t really think it does much for cuticles but it makes your hands really soft 喜歡這個東西!我用在我整個手了不是就光指甲周圍。我不認為這個對指甲周圍的皮有什么用,但是對整個手倒挺好,讓你的手變柔軟!

It can remove aging cuticle and dirt effectually , control melanin forming , prevent oxidation , moisten skin and make skin white and smooth 清爽質地,能有效清除皮膚表面死皮細胞及不潔雜質,抑制皮膚有害色素沉積,防止氧化的產生,同時保持肌膚滋潤,令肌膚美白舒爽,晶瑩剔透。

Spf30 and pa + + + , powerful sunscreen effect , effectively isolate uva and uvb , protect skin from dark and sunburn , penetrate into cuticle , resist early ageing 有spf30及pa + + +的防曬功效,不僅防御紫外線uva 、 uvb ,避免曬傷及曬黑,更可以深入真皮底層,防止造成肌膚的提前老化。

Chitin which absents in vertebrates and plants , is an integral structural component of insect cuticle and fungal cell wall and is a promising target of agrochemicals and drugs 幾丁質是昆蟲表皮和真菌細胞壁的特征成分,由于存在的特殊性而成為農藥和醫藥研發的獨特靶標。