
cutaway adj.,n.下擺裁成圓角的(上衣)(特指常禮服)。


4 ^ included the content of single - picture rectification , image enhance , cutaway view of cavity , all kinds of image revelation through mosaic , and dsm collection of tunnels , many image processing method is studied . 5 ^ the paper introduces the method of photogrammetry geology catalog . all kinds of projective graphs in various layers are received 不同洞型影像的幾何糾正;不同邊坡影像的幾何糾正;糾正或鑲嵌像片的影像增強;洞室編錄縱/橫剖面圖;影像鑲嵌分別得到洞室影像展示圖、坡面正射影像圖、坡面正射影像鑲嵌圖;基坑的像對定向及dsm生成; 5 、研究了基于影像的地質編錄。

2 . on information extraction and recognition , some rules of dimension mark extraction are summarized by analyzing the dimension restriction semantics , then effective methods of extracting text information from heading - table and filtering drawing ’ s peripheral frame are presented , in addition , this paper also discusses cutaway view ’ s recognition and pre - processing . 3 2 .在信息提取與識別方面,分析了尺寸標注約束語義,總結出尺寸標注提取的規則;給出了標題欄信息提取和工程圖紙圖框過濾的方法;詳細討論了有關剖視信息的提取、識別和預處理方法。

Cutaway model of automatic transmissions with colored internal components can clearly reflect inside structure and interactive relationship . it is the ideal education set for automatic transmission 各種型號自動變速器總成剖面處理,內部零件分別著色處理,可清楚反映變速器的內部結構和和零件的相對位置.是自動變速器的理想教具

A small mining town near cutaway cliffs that curve over narrow rock beaches below , where the silver sea rolls and rolls , flattering the moon 斜崖突兀,懸在亂石嶙峋的狹長海灘上,下面翻滾不息的海水泛著銀色,賽過月亮。

Cutaway of the pw 4000112 - in ( 284 . 48cm ) gas turbine engine , showing fan bypass section Pw 4000112英寸( 284 . 48厘米)的燃氣渦輪發動機剖面圖,圖中所示的為風扇旁路部分。

Cutaway of the pw 4000112 - in ( 284 . 48cm ) gas turbine engine , showing fan bypass section 渦輪發動機剖面圖,展示風扇旁路部分。

Vikram , get some cutaways ofthis miracle 維克拉姆,拍幾個這個奇景的切出鏡頭