
cut vt.(cut; cutting)1.切,割,截,斬,砍...

cut and thrust

She cut her finger on some broken glass . 她被碎玻璃劃破了手指。

One peep out of you and i cut your throat . 你要是通風報信,我就宰了你。

He was cutting off his nose to spite his face . 他一時發脾氣而害了自己。

She was cut to the quick by his insults . 她受他侮辱而十分傷心。

Lieutenant spooney was cut to the heart . 斯卜內中尉難受得要命。

Do not cut the string , untie the knots . 別剪斷繩子,把結解開。

Better cut the shoe than pinch the foot . 寧愿把鞋鉸開,也不能讓腳受屈。

He was thrown from his horse and cut down . 他從馬上摔下來后就被砍死了。

It smarts when iodine is put on a cut . 碘酒涂在傷口上真殺得慌。

Train services have been cut to the bone . 列車車次已大幅度減少。

He cut a hole through the wall with an ax .. 他用斧子在墻上砍出一個洞。

Imagination cuts out a path for itself . 想象卻可以為自己打出一條出路。

The fence cuts off our view of the sea . 籬笆擋住了我們觀望大海的視線。

The sharp rocks cut through his pants legs . 尖利的巖石撕破了他的褲腿。

Adolf hitler was cut off in berlin . 阿道夫希特勒被孤立在柏林。

Ragged cuts heal slowly and often poorly . 粗糙的傷口愈合慢,而且不好。

I thought i was a cut above the other kids . 我以為自己高人一等。

Why have you had your hair cut in that way ? 你怎么把頭發弄成這個樣子?

It is a short cut to use the free acid . 可走捷徑,那就是使用游離的酸。