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customs clearance 出口結關。

customs detention

One of the clauses shall not be deleted , it is required for our customs clearance in future 其中的一項條款不可以刪除,它對我們以后的海關提貨是不可缺少的內容。

Hon hui cheung - ching raised a question on long customs clearance time for cross - boundary container trucks 許長青議員就過境貨柜車清關需時甚長的問題提出質詢。

Answer the customer and front line department ' s question , update the information of customs clearance 解決客戶和前線部門的業務查詢,傳達海關的最新信息。

Provide import and export document , license , inspection certificate , customs clearance and etc 提供進出口貨物報關單證、許可證、商檢、代理報關等全套手續。

Our company act for various living the leather , the cow skin of head customs clearance whole affairs ! ! 本公司代理各種生牛皮、牛頭皮通關一切事宜! ! !

Initiate , check , approve selection and management of forwarder and customs clearance agent etc 參與、審核、批準貨運代理商、代理報關行等的選擇與管理。

Allow pre - arrival customs clearance , covering all types of cargo down to house airway bill level 貨物運抵之前即可辦理所有貨物直到分運層面的清關手續

Attack linked to the two similar patterns can be deleted , on the elimination of all customs clearance 擊相通的兩個相同圖案即可消去,全部消去就過關

International delivery dates and times are for door - to - door service including customs clearance 國際遞送日期和時間用于門到門服務,包括海關清關。

International delivery dates and times are for door - to - door service including customs clearance 國際派送日期和時間用于戶到戶服務,包括海關清關。

Get international delivery dates and times for door - to - door service including customs clearance 獲得戶到戶服務包括海關清關的國際派送日期和時間

Routine customs clearance automatically included in all ups air service rates where applicable 所有ups空運費用已經自動包括例行清關費用若適用。

Qualified customs clearance officer with valid certificate issued by the chinese customs department 具有中國海關總署頒發的報關員資格證書。

Being familiar with the customs clearance process , good negotiation skill and leadership 熟悉海關業務流程,具有良好的談判技巧和組織能力。

Group several shipments into one and enjoy the convenience of consolidated customs clearance 將若干貨件合并為一組,并享受聯合清關的便利

Machine guns seized in the course of customs clearance - may 03 , 2004 ( monday ) 海關在清關檢查中檢獲機槍-二四年五月三日(星期一)

Handle customs clearance and inspection business in domestic ports in china 報關報檢代理客戶在國內主要口岸辦理進出口報關及商檢服務

Duty rates , customs clearance and taxes can differ greatly between countries 各個國家或地區之間的稅率、通關和課稅會有巨大差異。

Delays caused by customs clearance procedures or those of other regulatory agencies 因清關手續或其它主管機關規定手續所致之延誤