
customize vt.定制,定做;按規格改制。

customs clearance

You can customize the header and footer sections of an ,您可以隱藏數據綁定控件中的

Multiple ways to customize the display of data 用于自定義數據顯示的多種方式

A customized pager user interface with the 屬性的自定義頁導航用戶界面( ui ) 。

Customize how list item details are rendered in an 控件中如何呈現列表項的詳細信息。

You can customize this behavior by adding or removing a 可以通過在集合中添加或移除

Customizing check - in notes and check - in policies 自定義簽入說明和簽入策略。

You can also customize generation of the wsdl file 您還可以自定義wsdl文件的生成。

Method to customize the dispose logic for this class 方法以自定義該類的釋放邏輯。

Event for subitems that you do not want to customize 事件時,請使用此屬性。

How - to topics customizing web pages with web parts 幫助主題- -使用web部件自定義網頁

Customizing c wizards with common jscript functions 用公共jscript函數自定義c + +向導

Customize separators that appear between items in a 控件中的項之間的分隔符。

Procedures for customizing and automating the ide 自定義和自動化ide的過程。

Shows how to customize the appearance of your controls 演示如何自定義控件的外觀。

And there is no possibility to customize this behavior ) ,并且不可能定制此行為。

You can also use labelsto customize article exports 并且您可以導出標簽設置。

9 . can i customize my certificate s subject info 我可以定制證書主題的內容嗎?

It is easy to customize the shape of windows forms Windows窗體的形狀易于自定義。

To customize the style of all the links at once 一次性完成所有鏈接的樣式自定義。