
custom n.1.習慣,風俗;慣例,常規;【法律】習慣法。2.經常...

custom cloth

This food would likewise bring great custom to taverns . 這種食物還將給酒館招來大批顧客。

All right . let me ask the customs officer to examine it . 可以,海關人員需要檢查一下。

It did violence to custom . 這與風俗是格格不入的。

For years he has been smuggling watches through customs . 多年來他一直夾帶手表過海關。

This is a time-honoured custom . 這種風俗由來已久。

There is often tax evasion in the case of customs duties . 即使關稅,也經常發生逃稅。

Customs officials turned the man over to the police . 海關人員把那男子送交警方處理。

Really , social customs vary in different countries . 的確,各國的社會風俗有所不同。

It is the custom to consider that wit lies in obscurity . 現在人們都把晦澀當成聰明。

These customs have been handed down through the ages . 這些風俗是世世代代傳下來的。

That 's not the custom of theirs . 那不是他們的習俗。

I hate to see these old customs . 我看不慣這些舊習慣。

We were lucky -- we just zipped through customs . 我們很運氣一下子就過了海關。

It is the custom with the french . 這在法國人是普通的。

Going through the customs is a tiresome business . 接受海關檢查是樁令人生厭的事。

The custom traces to the time of the warring states . 這個風俗可上溯到戰國時期。

The customs formalities are simple . 海關檢查手續很簡單。

The custom had its spring in london . 這種風俗起源于倫敦。

Social customs vary greatly from country to country . 各國的風俗習慣大不相同。