
custody n.1.保管,管理;保護,監護,看守。2.拘留,監禁,收...


She is hoping to regain custody of her three daughters 她希望能得到三個女兒的監管權。

A perfect mother ? i can ' t have custody 你是個好媽媽?我居然得不到監護權

She ' s hoping to regain custody of her three daughters 她希望收回對三個女兒的監護權。

She ' s hoping to regain custody of her three daughters 她希望能重獲三個女兒的撫養權。

Code four , ns - 5 is in custody . ns - 5 in custody 第四小隊, ns5已經被抓獲ns5已經被抓獲

Custody , division of property , alimony payments 監護權,財產分割,贍養費

The court has taken custody of the battered child 法院已負起保護傷痕累累的孩子之責。

Place mr . buchanan in custody and take him to holding 把布坎蘭拘留起來,帶他去監管室

Temporariiy remanded to our custody though it may be - 雖然暫時由我們看著

Buchanan just gave orders to take you into custody 布坎南下了命令要扣留你

Whoever did this , i want them dead or in custody 不管是誰下的手我要他在俄國人來之前

Want my wife and kids in protective custody right now 我要現在我妻子和小孩保護監視

And he put them all together in custody three days 17于是約瑟把他們一起拘禁了三天。

Neither fagin nor sykes are presently in custody . . 費金和塞克斯均未歸案. .

Custody of the children was awarded to the mother 兒童的監護權已判給母親。

Temporariiy remanded to our custody though it may be - 現在由我們暫時保管啦

She ' s hoping to regain custody of her three daughters 她希望重獲三個女兒的監護權。

He ' s a direct threat to the firm . dla custody 他對公司有很大威脅受到dia的嚴密保護

Safe custody of trust documentation and records 嚴密保管信托紀錄及有關文件