
custodian n.看管人,管理人;保管人。n.-ship 看守人[保管...


On this recommendation , mr bush needs to insist on his prerogatives as custodian of america ' s foreign policy and just say no 關于這一點,布什需要堅持他做為美國外交政策監護人的特權,正好說不。

Assets of the exchange fund are custodised with five custodians . three of the five are among the top five global custodians 外匯基金的資產分別交由5間托管機構保管,其中3間是屬于全球5大托管機構

We do not have custodian charges , you only have to pay the commission and relevant regulatory charges for transaction costs 我們并不收取托管費,您只需要付交易傭金及其他有關交易費用。

As the custodian of a revered national sport , the board of control for cricket in india ( bcci ) has a poor record 作為深受尊崇的國家體育管理部門,印度板球管理委員會有著慘淡的成績。

As the custodian of a revered national sport , the board of control for cricket in india ( bcci ) has a poor record 作為被尊為國家級運動的管理人,印度板球管理委員會有著慘淡的成績。

Article 23 . upon the approval of safe , a qfii should open a rmb special account with its custodian 第二十三條合格投資者經國家外匯局批準,應當在托管人處開立一個人民幣特殊賬戶。

Global custodians safeguard and administer securities for banks , mutual funds and other institutional investors 全球托管業務為銀行、共同基金及其它機構投資者保管證券。

Alpha secundi , alpha trion , keeper and boltax are created as custodians of cybertron ' s history 二郎神、鈦師傅、保護者、托塔天王被創造出來,當作塞伯壇歷史的管理者。

The former rennes custodian believes winning sides need the ability to attack and defend equally well 這位前雷恩門將認為,球隊要獲勝,進攻和防守都應同樣出色。

One that is employed to look after or take charge of goods , property , or a person ; a custodian 照顧者,看管人被雇來照料或看管貨物、財產或人的人;保管人

The custodian was very adamant : eavesdroping such an important conference could not be permitted 管理員的態度很強硬:竊聽如此重要的會議是不會被允許的。

The name and address of the securities investment trust enterprise and the fund custodian institution 一證券投資信?事業及基金保管機構之名稱及地址。

Assets acquired by the external managers are placed with major global master custodians 外聘投資經理管理的資產分別交由幾個主要環球托管人保管。

Some may charge a transfer fee for making transfer of notes to other custodians 部分認可交易商亦可能會就轉撥債券至其他托管人而收取轉撥費用。

D greater use has been made of custodians to monitor compliance by the external managers D加強利用托管機構監察外聘投資經理遵守指引的情況。

The assets being managed by external managers are vested in specially chosen custodian 由外聘基金經理管理的資產是交由指定保管機構保管。

These three custodians together employ close to 400 custodian staff in hong kong 這3間托管機構在香港聘用托管工作的職員人數接近400名。

The manager , the custodian and the beneficiary are the parties of investment fund 投資基金主體包括基金管理人、基金保管人和受益人。

Custodian of property 財產保管人