
custer n.卡斯特〔姓氏〕。


Enter the land of the sioux native americans and learn about the battle at “ little big horn “ in 1876 between lt . colonel george custer s men and crazy horse . the battle was known as “ custer s last stand “ . however , within a year after the battle , the sioux nation would be defeated and broken stay overnight in sheridian 隨后翻越洛磯山脈rocky mountain ,經懷俄明油田,大號角國家風景保護區及卡士達古戰場,奔馳在蘇族sioux印第安人的生活領土上與狼共舞電影拍攝現場,且聽導游細訴蘇族酋長瘋馬crazy horse和美軍的慘烈戰史,并觀賞著名的歷史電影。

When , however , he started west on the car he forgot , and was only reminded of his delinquency by an item in the “ evening news “ - a small three - line affair under the head of secret society notes - which stated the custer lodge of the order of elks would give a theatrical performance in avery hall on the 16th , when “ under the gaslight “ would be produced 他心里打算晚上出門時順便去找她,但是當他坐上街車往西去時,他把這事兒壓根忘了,一直到夜里看晚報時,才想起自己該干沒干的事。報上在秘密會社通知的標題下有一條三行的小消息。消息說,兄弟會寇斯特支部將于日在阿佛萊禮堂演出,屆時將上演煤氣燈下一劇。

1876 in an attempt to drive the indians out of the blank hills , colonel george armstrong custer and his 264 soldiers were killed in battle at little big horn in montana 在一次企圖把印第安人趕出布萊克山的戰斗中,喬治?阿姆斯特朗?卡斯特上校和他的264名士兵在蒙大拿州小比格昂陣亡。

Ancient granite outcrops reflect in the still water of sylvan lake in south dakota ' s custer state park as a lone fisherman awaits a nibble 在南達科他州考斯德州立公園的森林之湖,岸邊露頭的古老花崗巖,反射在靜止的水面上,此時一垂釣孤翁等魚咬餌。

Much rose quartz was extracted from a famous site near custer , south dakota , but now , most of the worlds supply of good rose quartz comes from brazil 在巴西的minas gerais洲還生產粉晶簇,但是非常稀少,價格也就比較昂貴。

Quickly encircled by their enemy , custer and more than 200 of his soldiers were killed in less than an hour 然而,庫斯特和二百多位手下很快就被印第安人包圍,在不到一小時的時間里,全軍遭到殲滅。

“ the custer lodge is getting up a little entertainment for their own good , and they d like a little newspaper notice “寇斯特支部為了籌款要舉辦一場小小的演出,他們很希望報紙能發條消息。

On june 25 , new york life policyowner general george custer was killed at the battle of little big horn 6月25日,紐約人壽保單持有人科斯特將軍在小巨角戰役中陣亡。

The indians retreated two days later when the troops custer had been ordered to wait for arrived 印第安人在兩天之后撤退,而當時庫斯特本來要等待的援軍也趕到了。

The members of custer lodge could scarcely understand why their little affair was taking so well 寇斯特支部的人幾乎無法理解他們的小玩意兒為什么這么受歡迎。

Custer state park 卡斯特州立公園

George armstrong custer 喬治卡斯特

Today as many as 1 , 500 buffalo make a home on the range in custer state park 今日刻斯特國家公園牧場上共有1200頭美洲野牛。

His name was custer 他的名字是凱斯特

How many men for custer 凱斯特有多少人

“ custer seems to have the backing of its members , “ observed the friend “寇斯特支部的人看來很心, ”他的朋友議論說。

You know , if you were an lndian , custer would still be alive 知道嗎,如果你是個印地安人的話,卡斯特就不會死了

Now don ' t be greedy , custer 不要太貪心了,卡斯特

I like this general custer 我喜歡這個凱斯特將軍