
custard n.乳蛋糕,蛋羹。

custard apple

No meat was given to the dog even when it refused vegetarian food and it just fasted . three shock treatments later , her puppy developed a very good appetite and now eats almost anything . in addition to its main staple of sweet corn and cheese , it also loves bean sprouts , vegetable stalks , peanuts , pine nuts , guavas , tomatoes , pears , custard apples and other sweet fruits 11 .原本肉食的動物改為素食時,如果遇到任何障礙,你可以循序漸進,逐日減少肉食量,增加其它素食品不過,福爾摩沙永和市的陳小姐則對她的愛犬采取震撼教育法,當它拒食時亦不提供任何肉品,讓它自然斷食,如此反覆三次后,她的小狗便胃口大開,幾乎什么都吃,除了乳酪玉米等主食外,舉凡芽菜蔬菜梗花生松子等堅果芭樂蕃茄水梨釋迦等各種甜味水果無一不愛。

For adapting to the request of food safety and guiding the food to be green , nutritional and healthy , in 2006 , gfiri develops a new brand “ lvyu “ . it includes the series of products as follows : natural custard powder , non - pigment custard powder , natural kularome flavour , natural crystal fruit butter , natural pigment , new healthy cream , new vegetable baking jam , non - aluminum double baking powder , etc . now some products are being applied for patent 為適應食品安全要求及引導行業向綠色營養健康的方向發展, 2006年隆重推出“綠宇”天然系列產品,主要有天然吉士粉、純白吉士粉、天然色香油、天然水晶果膏,天然復配色素,新一代健康攪打奶油、新一代蔬菜型烘焙醬、無鋁雙效泡打粉等一系列新產品。

Our company uses the best ingredients for the elaboration of natural , balanced and quality products , with a variety of flavours and very nice textures , obtaining a wide range of soya products , including drinks , desserts ( yoghurts , custards and puddings ) . tofu and vegetable burgers 我們的公司利用最好的材料制作天然,均衡和優質的產品,口味豐富,紋理優美,公司生產眾多大豆產品,包括飲料,餐后甜點(酸奶酪、奶油凍和布丁) ,豆腐和蔬菜漢堡。

From school duties she was exonerated : mrs . fairfax had pressed me into her service , and i was all day in the storeroom , helping or hindering her and the cook ; learning to make custards and cheese - cakes and french pastry , to truss game and garnish dessert - dishes 她的功課已全給免掉,因為費爾法克斯太太拉我做了幫手。我整天呆在貯藏室,給她和廚師幫忙或者說增添麻煩,學做牛奶蛋糊乳酪餅和法國糕點,捆扎野味,裝飾甜點心。

However , this bottle was not marked poison , so alice ventured to taste it , and finding it very nice , it had , in fact , a sort of mixed flavour of cherry - tart , custard , pine - apple , roast turkey , toffee , and hot buttered toast , she very soon finished it off 然而瓶子上沒有“毒藥”字樣,所以愛麗絲冒險地嘗了嘗,感到非常好吃,它混合著櫻桃餡餅奶油蛋糕菠蘿烤火雞牛奶糖熱奶油面包的味道。愛麗絲一口氣就把一瓶喝光了。

What say you , good masters , to a squab pigeon pasty , some collops of venison , a saddle of veal , widgeon with crisp hog s bacon , a boar s head with pistachios , a bason of jolly custard , a medlar tansy and a flagon of old rhenish 油酥面雛鴿餡餅,薄鹿肉片,小牛里脊,配上酥脆熏豬肉的赤頸鬼,配上阿月渾子籽兒的公豬頭肉一盤令人賞心悅目的乳蛋糕,配上歐楂的艾菊,再來一壺陳萊茵白葡萄酒,不知老爺們意下如何? ”

Constructed of 40 , 000 cream pies and decorated with almond paste , custard cream and chocolate , the five - meter - long confectionery version of michael schumacher ' s winning formula one racing car was created by 50 pastry chefs 這個巨型蛋糕由40000個奶油派組成,上面輔以杏仁醬,蛋奶沙司和巧克力。麥克-舒馬赫曾經駕駛法拉利賽車贏得一級方程式比賽的勝利,而今這輛“蛋糕版“的法拉利卻集中了50名糕點師的心血。

Constructed of 40 , 000 cream pies and decorated with almond paste , custard and chocolate , the five - meter - long confectionery version of michael schumacher ' s winning formula one racing car was created by 50 pastry chefs 面包師們的作品是邁克爾?舒馬赫駕駛的一級方程式賽車,不過是“甜品版” 。這輛“車”有5米長,由50名甜品廚師用4萬個奶油餡餅堆砌而成,上面還用杏仁糊、蛋奶糕和巧克力做了裝飾。

The egg tart calls for perfect baking skills to produce the smoothest golden custard enveloped by a crust of puff pastry , whereas the spring roll requires deep - frying in the hottest oil to produce a crispy exterior while retaining the juices within 蛋撻和春卷更是兩款截然不同的制作,蛋撻以烤箱烘,外皮要酥松,蛋液要金黃滑嫩春卷則用油炸,務求外皮香脆而餡料濕潤。

“ some shanghai - headquartered companies might not have rushed in quite so early had they been aware of the cost issues , “ said louise goss - custard , a shanghai - based russell reynolds executive “一些當地高管現在面臨著來自全球總部的嚴厲質詢。 “報告顯示,在香港-上海人才爭奪戰中越來越重要的因素- -空氣污染,對科技公司的總部選址決策影響微弱、或沒有影響。

Constructed of 40 , 000 cream pies and decorated with almond paste , custard cream and chocolate , the five - meter - long confectionery version of michael schumacher ' s winning formula one racing car was created by 50 pastry chefs 8月19日,來自意大利中部城鎮orentano的幾位廚師精心制作了一個法拉利賽車形狀的巨型蛋糕,以此來表達他們對法拉力賽車的鐘愛。

Have small , frequent meals supplemented with nutrient dense snacks such as bread with cheese or peanut butter , dessert soup made with milk , eggs or beancurd , etc . , ( western food like custard pudding , ice - cream , yoghurt ) 處理方法:少吃多餐,加添高營養小食如花生醬面包、豆腐花、腐竹?蛋糖水等。

Traditional desserts include sweet soups , steamed milk or egg that have a custard - like texture and sweet snow frog jelly soup it tastes better than it sounds ! . all are pleasant and nourishing delicacies 傳統糖水包括各種糊品雙皮奶燉蛋燉雪蛤膏等,都是甜入心脾滋潤去燥的佳品。

Provide healthy snacks between main meals throughout the day . for example , milk , egg custard , plain yogurt , sweet bean curd pudding , sesame dessert soup , and cakes 宜在主餐之間多安排營養豐富的小食如牛奶、燉蛋、純乳酪、豆腐花、芝麻糊、蛋糕等。

On the last day of the retreat , one of the sisters prepared a trifle , dessert containing cakes covered in custard and topped with cream and fresh strawberries 但在最后一天,一位師姊制作了奶油松糕,那是一種上面鋪著布丁奶油和新鮮草莓的糕點。

Provide healthy snacks between main meals throughout the day . for example , milk , egg custard , plain yogurt , sweet bean curd pudding , sesame dessert soup , and cakes 宜在主餐之間多安排營養豐富的小食如牛奶燉蛋純乳酪豆腐花芝麻糊蛋糕等。

Pretty soon they ' re off in a lovely daydream about dancing cupcakes , singing turnips , and soaking in a bathtub filled with warm vanilla custard 他們很快就會做起可愛的白日夢,夢見跳舞的蛋糕、歌唱的蘿卜,或者浸泡在充滿香草蛋羹的浴盆里。

Egg tarts are a kind of pastry that is popular in china . it consists of a flaky outer crust , with a middle filled with egg custard , which is then baked 蛋撻是一種在中國很受歡迎的酥皮點心,它由一個小碗狀的烤面餅,內裝蛋奶凍做成。

Bring to boil 100ml of milk and 50g sugar . add custard powder and 50ml milk . cook till mixture thickens . let cool from hot to warm 制法: 1 . 100毫升牛奶和50克糖煮沸,放入吉士粉和50毫升牛奶煮至稠狀,放暖。