
cussed adj.〔美口〕1.= cursed.2.別扭的,性子拗...


Said his brother william was the cussedest joker in the world , and hadn t tried to write - he see william was going to play one of his jokes the minute he put the pen to paper 說他的兄弟威廉是天底下最愛開玩笑的人,他壓根就沒想寫他看威廉拿起筆在紙上寫,就知道他存心要開個玩笑了。

But the duke says : “ you better a blame sight give yourself a good cussing , for you re the one that s entitled to it most 不過公爵說: “你最好還是罵你自己吧,因為你是最為罪有應得的人。

The duke bristles up now , and says : “ oh , let up on this cussed nonsense ; do you take me for a blame fool 公爵這下子可發火了,他說: “嘿,別講這一套廢話你把我當一個大傻瓜?

“ now the cussed thing s ready , sawbones , and you ll just out with another five , or here she stays . 再拿五塊錢,要不然就別弄走它。 ” “對,講得對! ”

“ hell “ is a cuss word 地獄( hell )是個罵人的詞吧

But the king says : “ cuss the doctor 不過國王說: “滾他媽的醫生!