
cusp n.1.(齒、葉等的)尖端,尖頭。2.【天文學】月角;【...


Phase space reconstruction technique is used to reconstruct the phase plane . the approach to detect the abnormal point of the tune - dependent of the crack by phase space is developed . combined with gray system and catastrophe theory , according to observation data of dam cracks , a gray cusp catastrophe model is established to diagnose the abnormality of the crack ( 5 )利用相空間重構技術重構裂縫時效變形的相平面,提出了裂縫時效轉異點的相平面識別法;并且基于突變理論和灰色系統理論,建立了裂縫轉異診斷的灰色尖點突變模型;并將以上方法和模型用于工程實際,由此對所提方法的可行性進行了驗證。

The features of phase and group velocity were advanced by means of preparing samples with different shaping . the phenomenon of “ cusp “ in group surface of quasi - shear wave ( qsv ) was observed . the inversed velocity surface according to calculated elastic constants in real orthotropic media is consistent with practical measured velocity surface 用加工不同樣品形態的方法給出了正交各向異性介質的相速度和群速度特征,觀測到各向異性介質群速度面上的尖點現象,并用測試得到的正交介質的彈性常數進行了數學模擬,其波場特征與測試的速度面特征相符。

( 2 ) the causation that the caustic phenomena of electromagnetic wave propagation in two - dimension concave reflectors occurs and the types of singularities in caustic fields are investigated , and the conclusion that there are two types of singularities ( fold and cusp ) in caustic fields in two - dimension concave reflectors is obtained ; by symplectic geometrical method , formulations of computing wave fields in and far away from caustic fields in two - dimension concave reflectors are deduced , and the results are plotted in pictures . ( 3 ) the cause of the caustic phenomena of electromagnetic wave propagation in three - dimension concave reflectors and the types of singularities in caustic fields is discussed , and the conclusion that there are three main types of singularities ( fold , cusp and swallowtail ) in caustic fields in three - dimension concave reflectors is obtained ; by symplectic geometrical method , the formulae of computing wave fields in and far away from caustic fields in three - dimension concave reflectors are deduced . particularly , the wave fields in ellipsoid concave reflector are computed , and the results displayed in special sections are given 論文主要包括三個方面: ( 1 )分析了凹面反射的焦散現象,給出了不同凹面反射的焦散圖; ( 2 )分析了二維凹面反射波動場焦散現象產生的原因及焦散區奇性的種類,得出了二維凹面反射波動場焦散區奇性主要有折疊( fold )和尖點( cusp )兩種的結論,利用辛幾何方法構造了圓錐曲面反射波動場非焦散區和焦散區的通用計算公式,并給出了圓柱面、橢圓柱面及雙曲柱面反射的計算結果; ( 3 )分析了三維凹面反射波動場焦散現象產生的原因及焦散區奇性的種類,得出了三維凹面反射波動場焦散區奇性主要有折疊( fom 、尖點kusp和燕尾k )三種的結論,提出了利用辛幾何方法計算三維凹面反射波動場非焦散區和焦散區的計算方法,并給出了三軸不等橢球體凹面反射波動場的計算結果剖面圖。

The bifurcation analysis of the model depending on all parameter indication that it exhibits numerous kinds of bifurcation phenomena , including the saddle - node bifurcation , the supercritical and subcritical hopf bifurcation , and the lioinoclinic bifurcation . in the generic case , the model has the bifurcation of cusp type ol ' codimension 2 ( i . e . . bogdanov - taken bifurcation ) but for some specific parameter values it has a multiple focus of multiplicity at least 2 . and , we give the global analysis 本文考慮具非單調功能反應函數的捕食者?食餌系統,討論了系統的bogdanov - taken分支,給出了不同種類的分支現象,包括鞍-結點分支,上臨界與下臨界hopf分支,和同宿軌分支,并討論了無窮遠點的定性分析,給出了全局結構。

Crumbs of nails were isolated from onychomycosis suffers , koh was chosen to be solvent , nail fungi were examined by microscopy , cultured in sabourud , purified by method of concentration grads and method of exsecting cusp of mycelia . finally , sixteen purified strains were ready 從甲病患者病甲中分離出甲碎屑,選用koh為浮載劑,直接鏡檢,采用沙堡氏培養基對它們進行分離培養,濃度梯度法和切取菌絲尖端生長法對菌種進行純化,得到純化后的菌株16株。

Eventually , around the cusp of the 1980s and 90s , the relentless march of miniaturization approached sizes so small that the larger area of the slower fet - based chips could be filled with enough transistors to whomp the performance superiority of the bipolar model 在20世紀80年代和90年代的早期,芯片的小型化已經使得芯片的尺寸非常之小,以至于更小的基于fet的芯片上可以留出更多的空間,可以放置更多的晶體管,從而實現遠遠高出二極管模型的性能。

By describing orbit curves with abundant forms with the basic orbits such as line , arc , cusp and “ 8 “ form , identification of orbit characteristics can be well solved and fundamental characteristic parameters of key orbit segments can be determined 通過直線、圓弧、尖點、 “ 8 “字形等基本軌跡特征描述形狀豐富的軌跡曲線,不僅較好地解決了軌跡特征識別問題,同時可以確定關鍵軌跡段的基本特征參數。

The optimal course is automatically implemented with matlab . the cusp catastrophe model is established by means of the upper bound theorem of plastic limit theory . the characteristic formula of the failure of slope is also deduced 根據分析邊坡穩定性的塑性極限方法的上限理論建立了邊坡失穩尖點突變模型,并得出邊坡突發式滑坡的特征關系式,用突變理論對非飽和土邊坡穩定進行了初步研究。

When an infortune is posited on the cusp of the seventh house , the native will be liable to great calamities , and if an infortune be in aspect with the sun or moon afflicted in the same place , the native , though a prince , shall suffer a world of troubles 兇星落在第七宮宮首位置的人,易遭受大難;若這顆兇星被刑傷,且同時與太陽或月亮具備相位,則盤主無論是平民還是王孫,一生厄運連連。

The pixel array of the ccd is 544x544 . theoretical analysis shows the solar x - euv imaging telescope can observe the active region , flare , cme , eit wave , “ dimming “ , “ sigmoid “ and “ cusp “ phenomena 太陽x - euv成像望遠鏡能夠觀測活動區、耀斑、冕洞、 cme 、 eit波、 dimming 、 sigmoid 、 cusp等影響空間天氣變化的太陽活動、太陽爆發先兆現象、太陽爆發伴生現象。

The design parameters of cusp magnetic field in 8 - inch mono - crystal furnace ( 16 - inch crucible ) are obtained via the simulation method , and the validation check is made of the simulation results of parameters of magnetic field 摘要通過模擬方法得到8英寸單晶爐( 16英寸坩堝)勾形磁場的設計參數,并對磁場參數的模擬結果進行了實驗驗證。

By using multiple knot insertion techniques , cusps and straight - line segments allow to arise in the nuat b - spline interpolating curve , and its slackness and smoothness can be controlled by the change of the parameter 2 .通過重節點插入技術構造了帶有尖點或直線段的混合插值曲線,分析了混合因子對插值曲線松弛性的調節作用

The thickness of splint should depend upon the height of cusps and the overbite degree of the patient , so , that free way space wasn ' t absolutely inviolable in the set of stabilization splint 至于(牙合)墊厚度則可根據患者牙尖高度,覆(牙合)程度的具體情況而定,不必拘泥于息止(牙合)間隙的限制。

Argentina “ s economy has recovered at a healthy clip in the last two years and the country is on the cusp of ending its default of some $ 100 billion ( 52 . 4 billion pounds ) in foreign debt 在過去兩年里,阿根廷的經濟重新回到健康而高速發展的軌道,并且有望還清高達1000億美元( 524億英鎊)的外債拖欠。

Argentina s economy has recovered at a healthy clip in the last two years and the country is on the cusp of ending its default of some 100 billion 52 . 4 billion pounds in foreign debt 在過去兩年里,阿根廷的經濟重新回到健康而高速發展的軌道,并且有望還清高達1000億美元524億英鎊的外債拖欠。

What the team does know for sure is that they have one of the best up - and - coming players in the nba and a team that is on the cusp of becoming a legitimate contender in the western conference 一個球隊真正能被肯定,他們要有一個nba最積極進取的球員,球隊也會在西部名列前茅并且很有競爭力。

The teeth located between the cuspids and the molars , having either two or three cusps . the bicuspids are numbered 4 , 5 , 12 , 13 , 20 , 21 , 28 & 29 . also known as premolars 位于尖牙和磨牙(臼齒)之間的牙,所有雙尖牙都有兩個或三個牙尖.雙尖牙被編號為4 , 5 , 12 , 13 , 20 , 21 , 28和29 .也被稱為前磨牙(臼齒)

We also made a statistical study on precursors appeared in gcrs before major and large geomagnetic storms only by using the two cusp stations “ nm data obtained at mcmurdo and thule 對大磁暴前銀河宇宙線強度的變化和各向異性進行的統計分析分析表明,銀河宇宙線強度在磁暴前是有先兆的。

For some of these events , the tops of the magnetic loops showed a curious cusp , giving them the pointed appearance of a gothic arch , rather than presenting the usual rounded peak 在一些日焰現象中,磁場環圈頂部顯現出神奇的尖端,看起來就像是有尖頂的哥德式拱門,而非一般常見的圓頂。