
cushy adj.1.〔俚語〕容易的,(工作)輕松的,舒適的。2....


Some insiders have known for a while that ms riza left on cushy terms 一些內部人士知曉麗扎以優厚待遇離職已經有一段時日。

Studing in a soft chair or on a cushy bed may not be the best strategy 坐在軟椅或舒適的床上學習可不是好主意。

Oh , a nice , big , cushy bed 哦,一張美觀,舒適的大床

Her job ' s so cushy : she does next to nothing and earns a fortune 她的工作真輕松:幾乎無所事事卻能掙大錢

It ' s a cushy life for the rich 有錢人日子過得很舒服

I tried to move in on his cushy job 我想奪取他那輕松的工作。

Brubaker , who ' d you blow to get this cushy job 布魯貝克,你們怎么來做這種容易的差事

The boss ' son got a cushy job with many perks 老板的兒子趾高氣昂地得到一件軟差事。

I can ' t believe what a cushy job you have 我真不敢相信你的工作竟是如此輕松。