
curtain n.1.簾幕;窗簾,簾子。2.(舞臺的)幕;啟[落]幕。...

curtain call

Their curtains are perpetually drawn, so a passerby cannot peer inside . 他們的窗簾遮得嚴嚴實實,外人難以看清內情。

And amid a glorious burst of music from the orchestra the curtain fell . 樂隊突然奏出一支雄壯的曲子,幕簾隨之落下。

We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material . 我們喜歡它們就象我們喜歡漂亮的窗簾料子一樣。

“well, you're just crazy,“ and prackle went to one of the curtains . “那你就是個傻瓜,”普雷克爾走到窗簾一邊。

The curtain rises . 幕啟。

The country expanded darkly defined underneath the moving curtain . 鄉村風光在微微開朗的天幕中暗淡地展露出來。

He dropped the curtains over the broad window and regal moon . 他放下窗簾,遮掉了寬闊的玻璃窗和雍容的月兒。

A door shuts with a bang and curtains billow into the room . 房門砰地一聲關上了,窗簾被風翻卷著吹向屋內。

Finally the curtains opened and there was the new mark iii . 最后,帷幕揭開,嶄新的馬克三型車展現在面前。

Pinpoint of sunlight came in through minute holes in the curtains . 針尖一般的陽光從窗簾的細孔里透進來。

When all the officers were seated, he pulled the green curtain . 等到全體軍官就座,他就拉上綠色的簾子。

Hilma was just waking as annixter pushed the curtain aside . 安尼克斯特拉開門簾,希爾瑪恰巧剛醒過來。

When i saw he had a gun , i knew it was curtains for me . 我一見到他拿著槍,就知道這下子我算完了。

She threw back the curtain to admit the moonlight more freely . 她拉開帷子,讓月光更盡情地瀉進來。

He pulls a great curtain which drew quite across the room . 他拉過一片大布幔,把整個房間分成兩半。

The curtain has parted . 帷幕已經拉開。

The curtain has fallen on her long and distinguished career . 她那漫長而成就斐然的生涯已告結束。

The curtain rises [falls] . 幕啟落。

At any moment the curtain may go up on the next act of the drama . 下一場戲的幕布隨時可能揭開。