
curse vt.(cursed, curst; cursed, c...


Annixter had cursed him so vociferously and tersely that even osterman was cowed . 安尼克斯特罵了他的聲音之大,語氣之兇,連奧斯特曼也不禁嚇了一跳。

Unshaven bus drivers poured loathsome, hair-raising curses out at each other . 這些胡子拉碴的司機彼此對罵著,那些話聽了叫人毛發倒豎,十分惡心。

I expect him to send me back to vancouver at once and with curses on my head as well . 我估計他會立刻把我遣送回溫哥華,還會劈頭蓋腦地罵我一頓。

Babbitt drove, sliding viciously past trucks, ignoring the truckmen's curses . 巴比特開著汽車,犯險地超過卡車,也不理會卡車司機的臭罵。

As he had grown extremely fond of london, he cursed the flatness of exile . 由于他對倫敦已經產生了渾厚的感情,他詛咒這不可抗拒的流亡。

When pinkerton finally intercedes, all leave, repeating the curse over and over . 當平克頓出面干預時,客人不歡而散,一路罵聲不絕。

We all know the many paintings of man transformed to raging beast by the curse . 我們都知道,許多男人被詛咒成暴怒的野獸的形象。

He went out with a curse stifled behind his pale, just smiling lips . 出門時一句詛咒的話到了帶笑的蒼白嘴唇中間又被他咽了下去。

Goldstein was like an grandfather full of mutterings and curses . 戈爾斯坦簡直象個年紀一大把的老爺爺嘀嘀咕咕、怨天尤人。

Still by an irresistible impulse i curse myself with an awful penance . 我仍舊要情不自禁地悔恨得咬牙切齒,咒罵自己。

Harris was sweating and cursing by the time they reached the lock . 當他們來到水閘時,哈里斯已是汗流浹背,罵不絕口。

He longed after her, and cursed the fate which separated him from her . 他想念著她,詛咒命運使他們不能經常聚首。

He cursed the barons and the people for treating their king so badly . 他咒罵男爵們和人民對他們的國王太過分了。

They helped to breed both the martial curse and the “economic blizzard“ . 他們幫助滋長戰爭禍根和“經濟風暴”。

They never thought or spoke of them except with hatred and curses . 他們一想到或一說到他們總是咬牙切齒地咒罵。

The man cursed and groaned aloud as he dragged himself to his feet . 那人大聲咕噥著咒罵,一面掙扎著站起身來。

He broke in cursing the doctor, in a feeble voice, but heartily . 他卻破口罵起醫生來,聲音很輕,但卻很當真。

Such taxes, when they have grown up to a certain height, are a curse . 這類賦稅達到一定高度時就成了禍害。

With silent, seething anger, lord cursed dr. yaminer . 洛德默不作聲,怒火中燒,惡狠狠地咀咒著亞米諾醫生。