
current adj.1.通用的,流行的。2.現在的,現時的,當時的。...

current breaker

The factory can not maintain current levels of production . 該工廠不能保持目前的生產水平。

We must not be lulled by the current depressed demand . 我們不能因目前需求不振而麻木不仁。

The currents round the beacon were more than he could manage . 他對付不了燈塔周圍的激流。

The current status of the problem is much improved . 關于這個問題,今天的情況已大有改善。

It is the current account . 這是一種通俗的敘述。

These are altogether beyond the reach of current theory . 這些完全超越了現有理論的范圍。

The question was how could electric current make words ? 問題是,電流怎樣才能變成言詞?

But many women are dissatisfied with the current situation . 但是許多婦女并不滿足現狀。

In a word , the induced e. m. f. lags behind the current . 總之,感應電動勢滯后于電流。

Let me open a current account . 請開一個活期帳戶。

That means he is tired and going with the current . 那就是說他已經疲倦,隨著水流飄去。

A powerful current spurted out . 一股洪流噴薄而出。

Wires transmit an electric current . 電線傳導電流。

The current sets strongly eastwards . 急流迅猛東去。

The current strengthened as we moved down the river . 我們順流而下時,水流更急了。

The current lags behind the voltage . 電流滯后于電壓。

The toy soldiers turned the current of my life . 那些玩具士兵改變了我的生活趨向。

The current sets in towards the shore . 潮水向岸邊涌來。

The direction of the current is reversed . 電流方向倒換。