curio n.古董,骨董,(珍奇)古玩。
n. 古董,骨董,(珍奇)古玩。 “antique, curio“ 中文翻譯: 古玩“at the curio shop“ 中文翻譯: 在古董店“curio and imitation“ 中文翻譯: curio古玩及仿古玩“curio cabinet“ 中文翻譯: 古玩柜“curio dealer“ 中文翻譯: 古董商“curio hunter“ 中文翻譯: 古董搜尋者“curio shelves“ 中文翻譯: 博古架“curio stone“ 中文翻譯: 廉價寶石古玩石“fake curio“ 中文翻譯: 仿造的古董“antique and curio dealer“ 中文翻譯: 古玩鋪“antique-and-curio shelves“ 中文翻譯: 博古架“the mahim-oak curio-amulet“ 中文翻譯: 瑪哈姆橡木古董-項鏈“whatnot curio vitrine fr ziergegenst“ 中文翻譯: 陳設架或柜“curio古玩及仿古玩“ 中文翻譯: curio and imitation“curinschi“ 中文翻譯: 庫林斯基“curinova“ 中文翻譯: 楚任諾娃“curino“ 中文翻譯: 庫里諾“curinky (irelan“ 中文翻譯: 舞蹈教師“curinier“ 中文翻譯: 屈里尼耶
curiosa |
The rest is history , but they both made their mark because their creations remained on the shelves in the nasdaq shop of curios , and they are still there today 此后的事情都已是歷史陳跡,但最少他們也有過剎那光輝,在走過的路上留下足印。事實上,經他們題字的托,直至今日仍然留在那所藏珍寶庫nasdaq的存放架上。 |
T eacher zu - gen huang in kghs told us “ it ' s our first time to conduct the project of the cultural curio cabinet last year , and we got the positive and thunderous responses 雄女的歷史老師黃如娟老師向我們表示:去年是第一次嘗試文化多寶格,獲得相當不錯的?響,未來將朝著更加精致化、國際化的路線努力。 |
Linking sheung wan to central , hollywood road is famous for its many curios and antiques shops . you can find items as small and delicate as a perfume bottle to large antique chinese furniture 荷李活道連接上環至中環,以古董店密集而聞名,在這里可找到細致精巧的鼻煙壺中式古董家具和擺設等。 |
The hotel is just next to the beijing curio city - the largest curio and folk artwork market of china , and the capital library , one of the largest libraries in beijing 酒店地處北京cbd商務區,緊鄰東三環主路,與首都圖書館和中國最大的古玩市場咫尺之遙,距首都國際機場30分鐘車程。 |
This famed market on the south side of hong kong island is jam - packed with merchants selling chinese artwork , curios , silk garments , sportswear , costume jewellery and souvenirs 街上的小商店售賣中式手工藝品古董絲綢服飾運動服珠寶首飾及紀念品等。 |
The appreciation is a great knowledge , requiring rich experience , acute and deep perception . because of this , collection of curios is so fascinating 古玩的鑒賞是一門高深的學問,需有豐富的經驗、敏銳的悟性、深邃的目力。唯其如此,古玩收藏魅力無窮。 |
It is a state - owned curios shop with several tens years of experiences . kinds of curios , handicrafts and classical book reservations are available in it 我們是一家有幾十年經營歷史的國有古董工藝品商店,我們經營各種古董手工藝品和各類經典典藏。 |
From all over the city , residents travelled there with the enthusiasm of touristssampling foods , buying curios and savouring the district s distinctiveness 總之,用中國話來說,就是步入“小康“了。從我的觀察來看,多數人走的都是這樣一條路。 |
People who are fond of curios and antiques should not pass up the opportunity to visit hollywood road , lok ku road , upper lascar row ( also known as “ cat street “ ) 喜愛古玩或收集舊物的話,古董街(即荷李活道)和摩羅街市集是必到之處。 |
On the 12th day of march 1847 , in the rue laffitte , i happened upon a large yellow notice announcing a sale of furniture and valuable curios 一八四七年三月十二日,我在拉菲特街看到一張黃色的巨幅廣告,廣告宣稱將拍賣家具和大量珍玩。 |
The street is now home to a fascinating selection of art and antique shops as well as the more usual souvenirs stalls selling chinese curios and collectibles 現在的多倫路上有眾多的古玩字畫店,賣珍奇古玩的小攤,是個淘寶的好去處。 |
If you have time , turn some of your newly acquired understanding to good use in hollywood road , hong kong s long straggle of antique and curio stores 香港藝術館則珍藏了豐富的中國古代藝術品和文物,并讓人一睹香港視覺藝術的發展。 |
Chinese curios , with its long history and varities , are the primes of chinese culture , have great value for collection and admiring 中國古玩,歷史悠久,品種繁多,是中國歷代文化的結晶,具有極高的觀賞價值、藝術價值及收藏價值。 |
Significant legal and illegal trade in many of the species are for food souvenirs , curios , pets and manufacture of traditional medicines 上述物種在市場上出現大量合法與非法買賣,主要被制成食物紀念品傳統藥物或被當成寵物。 |
Prudence was standing and gazing about her at the few curios dotted around my drawing - room ; marguerite was sitting on the sofa , occupied by her thoughts 普律當絲站著觀賞我會客室里的幾件擺設,瑪格麗特坐在沙發椅里沉思。 |
Head to hollywood road and shop for antiques , curios and handicrafts . throughout the walk , you ll be energised by the buzz of the city 這道世界最長的戶外有蓋自動扶梯系統,帶您沿山勢而上,途經soho荷南美食區及荷李活道。 |
The street is full of such shops and an open - air curio market . you will find specific chinese souvenirs for your friends 這里到處都是古董店及露天的古玩市集,最適合想購買既特別、又富有中國特色手信的外地游客。 |
The shopping arcade on the first floor sell all kinds of souvenirs , jewellery , local speciality , fashion clothes and curio 一樓大堂的商場內各式紀念品、本特產、時裝古玩等各類商品琳瑯滿目,令您愛不釋手。 |
We keep good credit standings in our management all the time and win good appraisements from multitudinous lovers of curio collection 本公司在經營過程中一直恪守信譽,贏得了廣大收藏愛好者的一致好評。 |