
curettage n.【醫學】刮除術〔尤指刮子宮〕。


The most frequent mistreating is curettage for a malignant lesion based on a misdiagnosis , such as osteomyelitis , fibrodysplacia , gct , cyst , etc 對惡性骨腫瘤給予刮除植骨.該類錯誤治療的原因多是誤診為骨髓炎、纖維結構不良、骨巨細胞瘤或囊腫等。

The rate of local recurrences were 32 percent ( 6 cases ) in the 19 intralesional curettages ( with bone graft or cement ) , 11 percent ( 1 case ) in 9 wide resections 病灶的大小及部位,愛克斯光片上骨瘤的侵犯性,皆可作為手術方法選擇的參考。

Methods : 218 cases of curettage due to postmenopausal uterus bleeding we rediagnosed by pathological examination 方法:門診和住院的絕經后子宮出血患者218例全部行診斷性刮宮和病理檢查。

B ultrasonography and hysteroscopy and diagnosis dilation and curettage after menopause uterine uemorrhage diagnosis comparison 超和宮腔鏡與診斷性刮宮對絕經后子宮出血的診斷價值

The sugery consists of complete evacuation of hematoma , curettage repair of the ruptured tuuica albuginea 外科手術包括徹底的血塊清除與破損陰莖白膜的搔括及修補。

These tumors are biologically benign and are treated by curettage or resection 生物學上這些腫瘤為良性且可通過刮除術或切除術治愈。