
curative adj.治療的;有療效的。n.醫藥,藥品;治療物[法]。


Curative effect confirmation 療效驗證:

Observation of curative effectiveness of triple puncture mainly treating sciatica on huantiao 蜂針圍刺法治療網球肘45例

Evaluation of curative effect of potassium magnesium aspartate in treating arrhythmia 門冬氨酸鉀鎂治療心律失常療效評價

Curative effect of lumbago suppository on prolaps of intervertebral disc in rat 腰痛靈栓治療椎間盤突出與活血化瘀的關系

Curative effect of defect soft tissue of propodiumrepaired with kinds of skin flap 多種皮瓣修復前足軟組織缺損療效觀察

Simply talking about the factors influencing the clinical curative effect of decoction 淺談影響中藥湯劑臨床療效的因素

Curative effect of tongxinluo capsules on treatment of unstable angina pectoris 通心絡膠囊治療不穩定型心絞痛療效觀察

7 what kinds of diabetic complication does yi heng have special curative effect on 7胰衡,對糖尿病哪些并發癥有殊效

Curative effect of cyclooxygenase - inhibitor in chronic pelvic pain syndrome 抑制劑治療慢性盆腔疼痛綜合征的臨床研究

What about its curative effects 療效如何?

The analysis of the factors correlating the curative effects of nasal sinus micrurgy 影響鼻竇顯微手術療效因素的分析

Curative observation on 76 cases of prostatalgia treated with qianhexian suppository 益氣養心法治療心臟神經官癥38例

Observations on the curative effect of acupuncture on child tourette ' s syndrome 針刺治療兒童抽動穢語綜合征療效觀察

Results : theunion method treatment stomach sagging curative effect is accurate 結果:聯合方法治療胃下垂療效確切。

Meaning has an inherent curative power . meaning affects everything 意義具有內在的治療能力。意義影響到一切事物。

If sediment is seen , shake well before use . it does not affect curative effect 如有沉淀,搖勻后使用不影響療效。

The curative agent system is completely closed and airproof 涂膠機固化劑系統,為全封閉系統,杜絕了空氣的混入。

Curative effect of semiconductor laser surgery on nasal polyps 半導體激光體外照射大鼠睪丸間質細胞作用的初步觀察

Objective : to study the clinical curative effect of acute pancreatitis 摘要目的:探討急性胰腺炎臨床治療療效。