curate n.1.〔英國〕副牧師;教區牧師。2.〔戲謔語〕撥火棍。...
n. 1.〔英國〕副牧師;教區牧師。 2.〔戲謔語〕撥火棍。 短語和例子(good in parts, like) the curate's egg 〔英謔〕好壞混雜(之物)。 “involuntary curate“ 中文翻譯: 強制侍祭“curateau“ 中文翻譯: 屈拉托“curatabaca“ 中文翻譯: 庫拉塔瓦卡“curatella“ 中文翻譯: 庫拉泰拉“curassows“ 中文翻譯: 鳳冠雉科“curatelli“ 中文翻譯: 庫拉泰利“curassow“ 中文翻譯: n. 【動物;動物學】(中、南美的)鳳冠鳥。 “curati“ 中文翻譯: 庫拉蒂“curassier“ 中文翻譯: 屈拉西耶“curatio“ 中文翻譯: 保佐, 臨時監護; 治療“curasi“ 中文翻譯: 庫拉西
curative |
I burnt for the more active life of the world - for the more exciting toils of a literary career - for the destiny of an artist , author , orator ; anything rather than that of a priest : yes , the heart of a politician , of a soldier , of a votary of glory , a lover of renown , a luster after power , beat under my curate s surplice 我熱烈向往世間更活躍的生活一向往文學經歷更激動人心的勞作一向往藝術家作家演說家的命運,只要不當牧師,隨便當什么都可以。是的,一個政治家一個士兵一個光榮事業的獻身者一個沽名釣譽者一個權力欲很強的人的一顆心,在牧師的法衣下跳動。 |
The curate might set as many chapters as he pleased for catherine to get by heart , and joseph might thrash heathcliff till his arm ached ; they forgot everything the minute they were together again : at least the minute they had contrived some naughty plan of revenge ; and many a time i ve cried to myself to watch them growing more reckless daily , and i not daring to speak a syllable , for fear of losing the small power i still retained over the unfriended creatures 盡管副牧師隨心所欲地留下多少章節叫凱瑟琳背誦,盡管約瑟夫把希刺克厲夫抽得胳臂痛,可是只要他們又聚在一起,或至少在他們籌劃出什么報復的頑皮計劃的那一分鐘,他們就把什么都忘了。有多少次我眼看他們一天比一天胡來,只好自己哭,我又不敢說一個字,唯恐失掉我對于這兩個舉目無親的小家伙還能保留的一點點權力。 |
One day , when he was seven years old , he came to the curate of palestrina , and asked to be taught to read ; it was somewhat difficult , for he could not quit his flock ; but the good curate went every day to say mass at a little hamlet too poor to pay a priest and which , having no other name , was called borgo ; he told luigi that he might meet him on his return , and that then he would give him a lesson , warning him that it would be short , and that he must profit as much as possible by it 這件事多少有點困難,因為他不能離開他的羊群,那位好心的教士每天要到一個小村子里去做一次彌撒。那個小村子太窮了,養不起一個教士,也沒有什么正式的村名,叫博爾戈。他告訴萬帕說,他每天從博爾戈回來的時候可以見他一次,利用那個時間教他一課,并且預先告訴他,只能教短短的一課,他一定要特別用功,來利用這短短的見面的時間。 |
They were his father and mother , his brother the reverend felix - curate at a town in the adjoining county , home for the inside of a fortnight - and his other brother , the reverend cuthbert , the classical scholar , and fellow and dean of his college , down from cambridge for the long vacation 他們是他的父親母親,大哥費利克斯牧師,他現在已經是附近郡里一個鎮上的副牧師了,正好請了兩個禮拜的假回家。他的另一個哥哥卡斯伯特也是牧師,他還是一個古典學者,劍橋大學一個學院的院長和董事,現在從學校回家度假。 |
The eldest wore the white tie , high waistcoat , and thin - brimmed hat of the regulation curate ; the second was the normal undergraduate ; the appearance of the third and youngest would hardly have been sufficient to characterize him ; there was an uncribbed , uncabined aspect in his eyes and attire , implying that he had hardly as yet found the entrance to his professional groove 年最長的一個是助理牧師,系白色的領帶,穿圓領背心,戴窄邊帽子第二個是通常的大學生最小的第三個似乎還很難看出他的身分。從他的眼神里和衣服上,可以看出一種不拘形跡的神情,暗示他到目前為止還沒有找到專門職業的大門。 |
At last , our curate we had a curate then who made the living answer by teaching the little lintons and earnshaws , and farming his bit of land himself , he advised that the young man should be sent to college ; and mr earnshaw agreed , though with a heavy spirit , for he said - hindley was nought , and would never thrive as where he wandered 最后,我們的副牧師那時候我們有兩個副牧師,靠教林敦和恩蕭兩家的小孩子讀書,以及自己種一塊地為生出主意說,該把這年輕人送到大學去了。恩蕭先生同意了,雖然心情很不暢快,因為他說“辛德雷沒出息,不管他蕩到哪兒也永遠不會發跡的” 。 |
To reasonably plan out the scheme for the sewage discharge outlets of changshu fluorine chemical industry project , the article makes an ana lysis on the water environmental features of changshu section of the yangtze riv e , develops a plan two - dimensional model of coupled water flow - quality for its co mplicated underwater topography and stream flow - field . the model is relatively ac curate and practicable to predict the impact of scheme on water quality . varied s chemes have been compared and demonstrated from multiple angles , such as flow fie ld , impact assessment of water quality , technique and economy . the scheme of sewage discharge outlets away from the shore is recommended . the article provides a sci entific basis for the engineering design and envirommental management of the pro ject 為合理確定常熟氟化工項目排污口布置方案,本文在分析長江常熱段水環境特征的基礎上,針對其復雜的水下地形和水流流場,建立了較為準確和實用的平面二維水流水質耦合數學模型,預測計算了三套方案污水對重點保護水域影響程度和范圍,并從水流流場、水質影響評價、技術經濟多角度對方案進行了比較論證,最終推薦污水江中排放的方案,為項目的工程設計和環境管理提供了科學依據。 |
The curate related the incident to the count of san - felice , who sent for the little shepherd , made him read and write before him , ordered his attendant to let him eat with the domestics , and to give him two piastres a month . with this , luigi purchased books and pencils 教士把這樁奇聞講給圣費里斯伯爵聽,伯爵派人把小牧童叫了來,叫他當面寫給他看,讀給他聽,吩咐他的貼身仆人讓他和家仆一起吃飯,每個月給他兩個畢阿士特,羅吉就用這筆錢來買書和鉛筆。 |
Twenty years ago , a poor curate - never mind his name at this moment - fell in love with a rich man s daughter ; she fell in love with him , and married him , against the advice of all her friends , who consequently disowned her immediately after the wedding “二十年前,一個窮苦的牧師這會兒且不去管他叫什么名字與一個有錢人的女兒相愛。她愛上了他,而且不聽她所有朋友的勸告,嫁給了他。結果婚禮一結束他們就同她斷絕了關系。 |
He would not even have seen after their going to church on sundays , only joseph and the curate reprimanded his carelessness when they absented themselves ; and that reminded him to order heathcliff a flogging , and catherine a fast from dinner or supper 他甚至也沒留意他們星期日是否去禮拜堂,只有約瑟夫和副牧師看見他們不在的時候,才來責備他的疏忽。這就提醒了他下令給希刺克厲夫一頓鞭子,讓凱瑟琳餓一頓午飯或晚飯。 |
Sometimes more , sometimes less ; but the worst of it is , - and , without that our earnings would be very tolerable , - a number of days occur in the year on which we are forbidden to work ; and the curate , moreover , is constantly adding some new saint to the list “有時多一點,有時少一點;不過最糟糕的是一年中總有些日子不準我們做買賣,牧師又常常在圣徒名單上添新名字,否則我們的收入也還算不錯的。 ” |
He drove him from their company to the servants , deprived him of the instructions of the curate , and insisted that he should labour out of doors instead ; compelling him to do so as hard as any other lad on the farm 他不許他跟大伙在一起,把他趕到傭人中間去,剝奪他從副牧師那兒受教誨的機會,堅持說他該在外面干活,強迫他跟莊園里其他的小伴子們一樣辛苦地干活。 |
It reminded tess of a confirmation , in which mrs d urberville was the bishop , the fowls the young people presented , and herself and the maidservant the parson and curate of the parish bringing them up 這使苔絲想起了一種堅信禮儀式,在這種儀式里,德貝維爾夫人就是主教,那些雞就是受禮的一群小孩子,而她自己和那個女仆就是把它們帶去受禮的牧師和副牧師。 |
As a young curate nearly 20 years earlier , mr varah had conducted his first funeral ? a 13 - year - old girl , who had started menstruating and thought she had some dreadful venereal disease 20年前,瓦拉還是一位年輕的助理教士,當時那就籌辦了第一個葬禮? ?那時一個13歲小女孩的葬禮,女孩在月經來潮時卻以為自己得了某種致命的性病,就這樣結束了自己的生命。 |
The former offered me munificent wages ; the latter ordered me to pack up : he wanted no women in the house , he said , now that there was no mistress ; and as to hareton , the curate should take him in hand , by and by 她丈夫要給我很多工錢,她哥哥命令我打鋪蓋他說,現在沒有女主人啦,他屋里不需要女傭人了。至于哈里頓,不久就有副牧師來照管了。 |
There he is , sure enough , my bold larry , leaning against the sugarbin in his shirtsleeves watching the aproned curate swab up with mop and bucket . simon dedalus takes him off to a tee with his eyes screwed up 我那大膽的拉里8啊,他挽著襯衫袖子,倚著裝砂糖的大木箱,望著那系了圍裙的伙計用水桶和墩布在拖地。 |
A gallery is available on campus for the exhibition of artworks produced by the visiting artist , and students will be given the opportunity to work closely with artists as they curate these exhibitions 透過該計劃,學生可以利用校園內的藝術廊與駐校藝術家一同策劃展覽,從中獲得策劃展覽的實際經驗。 |
Coming up redheaded curates from the county leitrim , rinsing empties and old man in the cellar . then , lo and behold , they blossom out as adam findlaters or dan tallons 然后,瞧吧,轉眼之間他們就興旺起來,成為亞當芬德萊特爾斯或丹塔隆斯12那樣的富戶。 |
The curate dropped calling , and nobody decent came near us , at last ; unless edgar linton s visits to miss cathy might be an exception 副牧師不來拜訪了,最后,沒有一個體面人走近我們。埃德加林敦可以算是唯一的例外,他還常來看凱蒂小姐。 |