
cunning adj.1.狡猾的,詭詐的。2.巧妙的,靈巧的;老練的;...


Cunning and wickedness is what one wants in this world 在這塵世上就要狡猾,兇惡。 ”

Brossard , as we know , is very cunning 布羅薩爾,我們都知道他是非常狡猾的

She has arrived , the cunning vixen , to drop her daughter 她來了,刁婦放下了她的女兒

I was merely a pawn in his cunning stratagem 我只不過是他那狡猾計謀中的一件工具。

You may be too cunning for one , but not for all 蒙騙得了一人,但蒙騙不了所有的人。

You cannot escape my cunning use of black magic markers 你逃不過我的黑色法術

The fox is known for its cleverness and cunning 狐貍的機敏和狡猾是人所共知的

Peter seems to have set a cunning trap for you 皮特好像設了狡猾的圈套要陷害你。

- he has the cunning of a sardine , poor fool -哼-他滑的像條沙丁魚,可憐的傻瓜

You cunning bitch ! are you stealing my money 你這狡猾的賤人!是不是偷了我的錢?

The man's face expressed rather knavery than vice, and a disposition to sharpness, cunning and roguery, more than the traces of stormy and indulged passions . 這個人面部表情象個無賴,但不算歹毒,有飽經風霜與放蕩生活的痕跡,卻更多機警和狡獪。

Settlers, too, came from distant countries, some with an alarming novelty of skill, others with an offensive advantage in cunning . 居民也變得五方雜處,各地的人都來了,有的帶來了驚人的新技術,有的顯示了防不勝防的狡猾伎倆。

I have again found that misunderstandings and indolence are perhaps the cause of more disturbance in the world than cunning or malice . 我又發現在這個世界上,由誤會和懶惰引起的麻煩,遠比狡猾和惡意所引起的要多。

Murders, revolts, chastisements, disasters, cunning alliances, and base betrayals, and no herodotus to record them . 謀殺,叛亂,懲罰,災難,狡詐的聯盟和卑鄙的背信棄義,而沒有希羅多德這樣的人把它們記載下來。

He had never been hunted by a bloodhound nor had he ever seen that brute's unerring instinct baffled by human cunning . 他從來沒有被一只獵狗追逐過,也從沒見過人的機靈戰勝過那種動物的萬無一失的本能。

Under the present system, the men who become masters and employers succeed because they are cunning and selfish . 在目前的社會制度下,那些老板和包工所以會財運亨通是因為他們狡猾和自私。

It is a cunning device to supersede the aristocracy, and make the king sole and absolute autocrat . 這是一種要把貴族政治一筆勾銷,而把國王變成唯一、絕對的專制統制者的狡猾詭計。

His face opened suddenly, as if lighted with simplicity, as when a flower opens out of the cunning bud . 他突然笑逐顏開,純樸天真,容光煥發,宛如緊鎖的蓓蕾盛開出鮮艷的花朵。

They watched the seller's expression, trying to understand his cunning or find the defects of the animal . 他們注意觀察賣主的臉色,試圖了解賣主的花招并找出牲口的毛病。