
cumulus n.(pl. -li )1.堆,堆積物。2.【氣象學】積...


When snow crystals strike supercooled droplets , the droplets will immediately freeze onto them . this process , called riming , forms soft particles known as snow pellets or grains . in temperate zones , the melting of snow pellets provides much of the rainfall from cumulus clouds 每當雪晶碰到過冷的水點時,它們會立刻凝固在一起,形成的軟粒子便是雪小球,而整個過程被稱為“蒙霜“ ;在溫和的區域里

So how many elephant units of water are inside a big storm cloud … 10 times bigger all the way around than the “ puffy “ cumulus cloud 那么一塊兒比“蓬松的”積雨云大10倍的暴風云中含有的水相當于多少只大象呢?

So how many elephant units of water are inside a big storm cloud 10 times bigger all the way around than the “ puffy “ cumulus cloud 那么一塊兒比“蓬松的”積雨云大10倍的暴風云中含有的水相當于多少只大象呢?