
cumuli n.cumulus 的復數。


When snow crystals strike supercooled droplets , the droplets will immediately freeze onto them . this process , called riming , forms soft particles known as snow pellets or grains . in temperate zones , the melting of snow pellets provides much of the rainfall from cumulus clouds 每當雪晶碰到過冷的水點時,它們會立刻凝固在一起,形成的軟粒子便是雪小球,而整個過程被稱為“蒙霜“ ;在溫和的區域里

The issues are best parted into two cumuli : a set of “ public ” arguments about how to regulate google ; and a set of “ private ” ones for google ' s managers , to do with the strategy the firm needs to get through the coming storm 這些問題最好分成兩大部分:首先是對于如何監管谷歌所展開的“公開”爭論;其次是針對谷歌管理層關于公司為抵御來襲風暴而需施行的策略的“私下”論辯。

The cumulus expansion , cumulus cells dna fragmentation , oocyte meiotic maturation and degeneration were determined 44 h after incubation . snp inhibited cumulus expansion and cumulus cells dna fragmentation in a dose - dependent manner 結果發現, snp可劑量依賴性地抑制卵丘細胞的擴展和dna片段化,同時抑制ceos中卵母細胞的減數分裂恢復,抑制m向m期轉變。

In day time , especially in mid - summer , the ground heats up under the sun and spurs convection in the air . this lifts moisture up the atmosphere aloft , which gradually develops into isolated , floating cumulus 在日間,特別是在盛夏時候,地面吸收大量太陽的熱量,引起大氣對流運動,將水氣帶上上空,慢慢形成孤立懸浮的積云。

Taken together , high level of no inhibits porcine oocyte meiotic maturation , especially the transition from ml to m ii , by mediating functions of cumulus cells . experiment 2 這些結果表明維生素c和e促進dos恢復減數分裂和發育到m期,可以抑制卵丘細胞的凋亡,尤其是10 m的生育酚和250 m的抗壞血酸。

If the cumulus continues to grow , its top will become very bright in the late stage , looking like a cabbage and reaching a height beyond 10 , 000 m . by then it is called cumulonimbus 若云塊進一步繼續發展,到了后期,云的頂部發白炫目,外觀如椰菜花,高度可達一萬米以上,便成為積雨云。

The weather picture taken on the same day at the cheung chau automatic weather station depicted a cumulonimbus on the right hand side which had evolved from the cumulus cloud earlier on 從在當天下午由長洲自動氣象站拍攝的天氣照片所顯示,右邊的積云已發展變成積雨云。

Most part of the territory was cleared of clouds . some clouds , known as fair weather cumulus , were found above lantau island and the northwestern part of the new territories 當日香港的天氣晴朗,大部份地區晴空一片,而在新界西北部及大嶼山的上空出現了晴天積云。

The control models are the standard mm4 using the blackadar high resolution boundary scheme , the bulk boundary scheme , the kuo cumulus parameterization scheme and explicit clouds 閉合處理湍流擴散問題,分別以原mm4中有云和無云的水份處理方案作為控制方案。

Especially in autumn and winter when the air is not so unstable , cumulus clouds may merge and cover a large part of the sky . they become altocumulus 此外,尤其是秋天和冬天時,天氣沒那么不穩定,積云會聚合在一起,一大片的覆蓋部份的天空,出現了高積云。

The clouds lead you to boundless imagination . they are lumpy and ever - changing , sometimes like a sheep or a flying horse . these tricks are played out by cumulus clouds 天上的白云給人無限的想像空間,一團一團的,有時像綿羊,有時像飛馬,千變萬化。

Mpges mrna signals were also seen 3 h after hcg treatment . mpges mrna was maily located in granulosa cells including cumulus cells in follicles 注射hcg3h后,卵丘顆粒細胞上有mpgesmrna的表達,但卵泡壁顆粒細胞上只能檢測到mpgesmrna的微弱表達。

Cumulus clouds are very common in summer , forming at about 1000 - 3000 feet i . e . 300 - 1000 metres and in various shapes . they have various sizes and shapes 積云屬于低層云族,一般常見于夏天,高度在1000 - 3000尺即約300 - 1000公尺之間。

Only the booster ' s fiery tail was visible as the rocket ascended through a cumulus cloud and then arced over the ocean , headed for space 火箭上升穿透積云、橫越海洋、朝著太空前進,我們只能隱約看到助力器下方熾烈的火焰尾。

In a way , cumulus is also an elementary cloud , because it can change its character and become a different cloud according to the circumstances 積云也是一種基本的云,它會受著不同的因素而改變其本性,發展成其他的云。

So how many elephant units of water are inside a big storm cloud … 10 times bigger all the way around than the “ puffy “ cumulus cloud 那么一塊兒比“蓬松的”積雨云大10倍的暴風云中含有的水相當于多少只大象呢?

Effects of different electrofusion parameters on activation and early development of mouse embryos reconstructed by cumulus cell nuclear transfer 不同電融合條件對小鼠卵丘細胞核移植重組胚融合和早期發育的影響

So how many elephant units of water are inside a big storm cloud 10 times bigger all the way around than the “ puffy “ cumulus cloud 那么一塊兒比“蓬松的”積雨云大10倍的暴風云中含有的水相當于多少只大象呢?

Cumulus clouds are active and restless in the sky . they play tricks with us , enlightening us with their various shapes 積云在天空是個活躍份子,經常耍出其看家本領,變出各式各樣的形態,給我們無限驚喜。