
cumulation n.堆積;積累;累積法;蓄積;重疊。


Because of no matter whether are government organs or the business enterprises about the fores , the management about forest resources consistently are all only managing its scope , area , and the cumulation quantities of woods , and namely which manages the practicalities and amounts of forest , but the management about the value of forest is very little , especially for evenhanded value 無論是政府機構,還是森林經營企業,對森林資源的管理過去一貫都是只管理其范圍、面積、林木蓄積量等,即只管理森林的實物和數量,而對森林的價值量特別是“公允價值”的管理卻很少涉及。

During the period of measurement , the transduction circuits transform the differential pressures , the absolute pressures and the temperatures received by the sensors into the voltage signals , and then , the voltage signals are transformed into digital signals by the a / d convertor . the mcu processes these digital signals and calculates the cumulation of the flow . finally the totalizers contact with the pc by rs - 485 bus to form a distributed measuring network 在測量過程中,系統以流量計節流所獲得的差壓信號作為主信號、絕壓和溫度信號作為補償信號進行流量積算,這三種信號分別由相應傳感器感知后,經各自的物理信號測量電路轉換為電信號,再由a / d轉換模塊轉變為數字量,交微控制器進行處理、積算。

By analyzing the desulphurization solution components , the factor of solution degradation was found that is long term cumulation of thermally stable salt , amino acid and suspended substance etc . in order to solve the present problem for normal and smooth operation , thermal stable salt and impurity from amine solution were analysed , an amine treating unit of mpr company which is movable or on - line has been put to used in chongqing general natural gas purification plant 為了解決目前脫硫溶液存在的問題,保證裝置的正常平穩運行,對目前脫出胺液中熱穩定性鹽及其雜質的工藝技術進行分析,提出了采用mpr公司的可車載也可在線使用的胺凈化裝置的辦法。

On the base of analyzing the development status and trend of the electromagnetic flowmeter technology , this article uses new mcu and ic to design the intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter that has a conversion instrument and a cumulation apparatus 本文在分析國內外電磁流量計發展現狀和趨勢基礎上,采用新型微處理器和集成電路來開發集轉換器、積算儀于一體的智能電磁流量計。

Focused on the application of the generalized cross correlation ( gcc ) time delay estimation ( tde ) in the car microphone array denoising system , gcc tde algorithm is analyzed theoretically and compared with high rank cumulation tde 摘要針對汽車環境中麥克風陣列語音去噪系統的應用,對廣義相關時延估計方法進行了仿真,并與基于高階累積量的時延估計方法作了比較分析。

Guangzhou dongang hotel is a five - star state guesthouse , with a century ' s cumulation of chinese culture , has received many chinese and foreign political celebrities , won high praises from chinese leaders 廣州東方賓館近個世紀的文化積淀具有濃郁的中國元素,是五星級的國賓館,接待了國內外無數政要,受到中國高層領導的高度評價。

Till now most evs adapt such methods as ocv ( open ciruit voltage detective ) , lv ( load voltage detective ) , ir ( inner resistance detective ) and ec ( energy cumulation detective ) 目前大多數電動汽車采用的電量預測技術包括了開路電壓法、負載電壓法、內阻法、電量累積法以及以上述方法的組合等。

The results obtained show the effects of defection cumulation material nonlinear and internal force distribution are remarkable with increase of crack element 結果表明,考慮結構損傷的累積效應和材料的非線性性質,結構的內力重分布較為顯著,開裂單元范圍加大,適用性能與耐久性能降低。

The cumulation of tdfcsd in a certain period eliminates the remainder noise more , and the ability of detecting signal ' s frequency is improved 通過對某段時間得到的功率譜密度累積,進一步改善snr ,提高信號頻率的檢測能力。

Our future accomplishments are determined entirely by how every second in our life is put to use . the future is the cumulation of many “ nows “ 未來的成就完全是在掌握分秒中造就出來, “未來”也是由“現在”累積而成。

Meanwhile , we put forward symmetric correction to resolve inherent error cumulation of point - by - point imaging modality 同時進一步提出對稱校正的方法以解決逐點成像法固有的誤差累積。

Cumulation properties of heavy metals by suaeda heteorptera on estuary banks of river qingjinghuanghe in tianjin 天津市清靜黃河口河岸翅堿蓬的重金屬富集特性