
cumberland n.1.〔英國〕坎伯蘭郡〔英格蘭一郡名〕。2.坎伯蘭〔姓...


She was not allowed much time for meditation : a monitor , a great rough girl , presently came up , exclaiming in a strong cumberland accent - helen burns , if you don t go and put your drawer in order , and fold up your work this minute , i ll tell miss scatcherd to come and look at it 從她的神態上我知道她不想跟我再談下去了,而情愿同自己的思想交流。她也沒有很多時間可以沉思默想了,馬上就來了一位班長,一個又大又粗的姑娘,帶著很重的昆布蘭口音叫道:

The man , suspected of raping and stealing the mobile phone of a 22 - year - old woman in a room of a motel on cumberland road in kowloon city yesterday ( march 20 ) , was apprehended by officers of the district crime squad of kowloon city while he was rushing out from the motel 該名男子昨日(三月二十日)涉嫌在九龍城金巴倫道一間汽車酒店的房間內強奸一名二十二歲女子,并偷去該名女子的手提電話。

Abramoff was originally assigned to a federal prison in pennsylvania about four hours away from washington . prosecutors wanted him assigned to a prison in cumberland , maryland , about two hours away 阿布拉姆本來是被安置在離華盛頓約四小時路程的賓夕法尼亞洲的一家聯邦監獄里。但是檢察官希望他能被安排到距離華盛頓2小時距離的馬里蘭州坎伯蘭的一家監獄。

In 1995 , when the ban went into effect , the only instrument allowed in the cumberland prison was the harmonica , but inmates who already had a guitar or electronic keyboard were allowed to keep them 1995年該禁令實行后,坎伯蘭監獄的囚犯們被允許擁有的樂器就只剩下口琴了,但在此之前已經有電吉他或鍵盤的囚犯被批準可以保留這些樂器。

I was not new to violent death - i have served his royal highness the duke of cumberland , and got a wound myself at fontenoy - but i know my pulse went dot and carry one 我對暴力致死并不陌生我曾在坎布蘭公爵麾下服役,而且我本人還在方特諾依負過傷但是這回我的脈搏突然加快起來。

At 1 . 15 am today officers from the district crime squad of kowloon city mounted an operation and laid ambush in the vicinity of a motel on cumberland road 九龍城警區重案組探員今日凌晨一時十五分采取行動,在金巴倫道一間汽車酒店附近埋伏。

The cumberland sausage is bought by length rather than weight , and when you see it in a butchers shop , is coiled in a circle as in the photograph 堪布蘭香腸是按照長度而不是重量購買的,你可以在肉鋪里看到它被卷成一團的照片。

His works contain “ the solitary reaper ” , “ to a highland girl ” , ” the old cumberland beggar ” and “ the ruined cottage ” 他的作品包括《孤獨的收割者》 , 《致高地姑娘》 , 《老坎伯蘭的乞丐》和《被摧毀的茅屋》 。

Xi lin cumberland presbyterian church pastor rev . william yeung converted to jesus christ in billy graham crusade in 1975 金巴侖長老會禧臨堂堂主任楊建強牧師,在1975年的香港葛培理布道大會中信主。

Road traffic ( traffic control ) regulations ( chapter 374 ) - - temporary restricted zone on cumberland road , kowloon tong 道路交通(交通管制)規例(第374章) - -九龍塘金巴倫道臨時限制區

Road traffic traffic control regulations chapter 374 - temporary restricted zone on cumberland road , kowloon tong 道路交通(交通管制)規例(第374章) - -九龍塘金巴倫道臨時限制區

He turned into cumberland street and , going on some paces , halted in the lee of the station wall . no - one 他拐進坎伯蘭街,往前趕了幾步,就在車站圍墻的背風處停下了。

Prosecutors wanted him a igned to a prison in cumberland , maryland , about two hours away 但是檢察官希望他能被安排到距離華盛頓2小時距離的馬里蘭州坎伯蘭的一家監獄。

University of the cumberlands 康柏萊大學

A knight of the cumberland 康巴倫的騎馬士

Special agents ray cumberland , wilson hale , fbi , 特工雷坎伯蘭威爾遜赫爾,聯邦調查局