
cumber vt.拖累,妨害,阻礙;阻塞(地方)。n.妨礙(物)。


This treatise is intending to find a resultful way to resolve the serious credit problems that have cumbered our economic developing . through the reviewing the business credit and enterprise credit , the treatise make the consequentially affiliation clear between the credit and market economy 文章從我國目前普遍存在的失信現象入手,對企業信用管理問題進行研究,以馬克思的政治經濟學和現代經濟原理為依據分析了信用及信用問題,揭示了信用與市場經濟的內在關聯性和信用問題存在的必然性。

Environment has been destroied in the erath today , we are rethinking the modern architecture before one hundred years bring what to us . in face of the pressrue of the realistic environment , the views of ecology and sustainable development are paid attention to increasingly . it ' s because the deteriorate of environment not only cumber the development of society but also directly intimidate the survival of human today . so , under the sustainable development strategy , the necessity to reconstruct the relations between man and nature , built the new architecture development conception is commonly understood . ecologic architecture is regarded increasingly 面對現實環境的壓力,生態學和可持續發展的觀點日漸受到重視。可持續問題之所以受到關注,其原因在于生態環境的惡化不僅阻礙了人類社會的發展,還直接威脅著今天人類的生存。因此,在當今可持續發展戰略思想的指導下,反思人與自然的關系,建立新的建筑發展觀已成為共識,生態建筑開始日益受到關注。

Further more , they generate series of educational problems and ethical conflicts , and cumber healthy development of the basic education and progress of the society in the reform practice . in the final analysis , such immoral phenomena cumber the full - scaled development of human , therefore they are worthy of care 理論上,它們偏離了基礎教育改革的倫理本性,違背了改革促進人與社會發展的道德追求;不僅如此,在改革現實中,它們還引發了一系列教育問題和社會道德沖突,嚴重阻礙著我國基礎教育的健康發展和社會的進步,歸根結底是阻礙了人的全面發展。

The original intention of university managing high - tech enterprise is to enhance the invert rate of scientific - research fruit and raise money . as a result , which lead to chaos of the objects of university management ; thwart the development of university ' s academy ; cumber the cooperation between university and social enterprise 大學辦高科技產業其初衷是想提高大學科研成果的轉化率,同時更多地籌集辦學經費;而其結果卻造成了大學管理目標的混亂,影響了大學學術的發展,同時還阻礙了大學與社會企業的正常合作。

The research of ai ( artificial intelligence ) has always been one of the front of the computer theory and application research . but the bottleneck of knowledge acquisition cumbers the research progress of ai researcher . cbr ( case based reasoning ) can solve this problem with better results and is widely applied to various fields of problem solving 人工智能的研究歷來是計算機理論及應用研究的前沿之一,但是知識獲取的瓶頸,一直束縛著人工智能研究人員的研究進程,而基于范例推理系統( cbr )恰能較好地解決這個問題,目前已廣泛應用于各種問題求解,有著十分良好的應用前景。

According to the foregoing analysis , the dessertation summarized the bottle - neck problems cumbered the development of the cheng - de - mian region “ s manufacturing industry and analyzed the reasons caused these problems . at last , the strategic conceives of promoting the manufacturing industry development were put forward on the basis of the strategic goal and the exterior surroundings on the manufacturing industry development of cheng - de - mian region in the 21th centuries . these conceives included updating the tradition manufacturing industry with contemporary integrated manufacturing technology , optimizing industrial construction , adjusting industrial organization construction and system of ownership construction , and strengthening the technological innovation 接著在前面分析的基礎上,對制約成德綿地區制造業發展的瓶頸問題進行了總結并分析了它們的成因,最后一部分結合成德綿地區制造業發展的戰略目標和21世紀成德綿地區制造業發展的外部環境分析,提出了成德綿地區制造業發展的戰略構想,主要內容包括:用現代集成制造技術改造成德綿地區傳統制造業、優化產業結構、調整產業組織結構和所有制結構及加強技術創新。

But in engineering environment , there exists some factors that cumber the seamless integration of olap ( on line analytical processing , olap ) and data mining , such as the differences of the technology backgrounds , the developing histories , the data basics , the analytical hierarchies , the customer groups . in order to lessen or discard these differences , j . w . han brought forward the concept of olam , namely olap mining , in 1997 為了減少或消除這種差別,實現聯機分析處理技術和數據挖掘技術的緊密結合, j . w . han于1997年提出了olam的概念,即olapmining ,他從統一兩者的數據基礎入手,提出在多維數據模型的基礎上同時支持olap應用和數據挖掘應用的思路。

Furthermo re , when applying those kinds of sprinkler to the city park and city afforestation , the y show poor effects for there are always blind angles untouched . and they also cumber traffic while the water spurting onto the road 而且在園林綠化、草坪綠化時易產生漏噴及產生噴不到的死角,特別是在城市綠化方面容易噴灑到道路上,影響交通及周圍的設施,且觀賞性也較差。

The author believes that even the application of fair value and advanced financial report ( such as real time report ) is full , and something that cumbers decision exists in the accounting system stilly 本文認為,即使在完全應用公允價值會計和先進的財務報告模式(如實時報告)下,我們的會計處理仍然存在阻礙決策的因素。

All the existing policies of land , migration and housing , and preferential welfare for residents in downtown cumber the transformation of china big cities into multi - center cities 在此基礎上,本文考察了城市空間形態的內生演變及政府政策的影響,發現對中心城市的傾斜性投資政策阻礙了大城市向多中心城市的轉變。

China is a developing country and often encountered by the green barriers due to the low economic level . this has severely cumbered the development of our country ' s foreign trade 我國是一個發展中國家,由于經濟落后,環保水平比較低,致使我國出口產品經常遭遇綠色貿易壁壘,嚴重阻礙了我國對外貿易的發展。

There are many shortages in study , legislation and judgment of unjust enrichment , which cumbers this system value ’ s coming true . we ’ re now making civil code , so we must research it completely 目前我國正在制定民法典,為了構建完善、科學的不當得利制度規范,必須對不當得利制度有一個全面的認識。

As a manager of china agriculture press , i try to find out the problems which cumber the development of the press , and give suggestions to make the press more competitive and successful 由于受長期計劃經濟和行業保護的影響,我國出版業依賴性強,自立自強能力差,很難適應激烈的國際競爭。

It shall not cumber thy steps , as thou treadest along the forest - path ; neither shalt thou freight the ship with it , if thou prefer to cross the sea 當你沿著林中小徑走去時,你不該讓它拖累你的腳步,如果你想跨海東歸,你也不該把它帶到船上。

Though , the traditional e - commerce brings users with the convenience through the internet , it lacks of mobility that cumbers its spread 雖然傳統電子商務已經使人們感受到網絡所帶來的便利和樂趣,但它缺乏可移動性,使用起來并不是很方便。

But martha was cumbered about much serving , and came to him , and said , lord , dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone 40馬大伺候的事多,心里忙亂,就進前來說,主阿,我的妹子留下我一個人伺候,你不在意嗎。

In a word , theoretical study falls far behind engineering application , and this situation has cumbered its further popularization in china 這種狀況嚴重滯后于波紋拱在實際工程中的應用,也阻礙了該結構在我國的進一步推廣。

But it will depress the validity of the pulic policy and cumber the realization of the value of pulic policy 但它又會降低整個公共政策的有效性,成為影響公共政策價值實現的重要因素。

Georgiana , a more vain and absurd animal than you was certainly never allowed to cumber the earth “喬治亞娜,在地球上過日子的動物中,沒有比你更愛虛榮更荒唐了。