
culver n.〔英方〕鴿;野鴿。


According to the journal ' s author peter levens , the best way to restore growth is to “ take the ashes of culver - dung in lye , and wash the head therewith . 據期刊作者李文斯指出,恢復(頭發)生長最好的方法是,將斑鳩糞便的灰燼放進堿液中,再拿來洗頭。

Banerjee sn , emori tg , culver dh , et al : secular trends in nosocomial primary blood stream infection in u . s , 1980 - 1989 . am j med 1991 ; 3 : 86 - 9 陳政惠,吳怡慧,陳姿伶等:南部某醫學中心外科加護病房院內原發性血流感染菌種之變遷。感控雜志2001 ; 11 : 37 - 47 。

7 krishnan s , manocha d , gopi m , culver t , keyser j . boole : a boundary evaluation system for boolean combinations of sculptured solids 第二是它們是對偶表達的,一個參數化的表達一定與一個隱式的表達相對應。

But as a result of the animal work , says culver , “ the technology is there “ for engineering human sperm 但卡爾弗說,作為動物實驗的成果, “就有了現成的技術”來改造人類的精子。

I ran away , went looking for you back to culver city and the old neighborhood need to know if you were really gone 雨后看見彩虹不知何時還能重逢雨后看見彩虹總會看見你的笑容

In california , a letter sent to sony pictures entertainment in culver city tested positive friday for anthrax 在加州,一封寄到索尼公司的信也攜帶炭疽病毒。

. . . the craft into the air until next spring . the thin man from culver city . . 他不會在明年春天之前把它升上天空這來自洛杉磯的小個子. .

The craft into the air until next spring . the thin man from culver city 他不會在明年春天之前把它升上天空這來自洛杉磯的小個子

Culver pictures , inc 哥倫比亞影業公司