
culturology n.〔美國〕文化學〔研究文化現象〕。


Facing such propagation method , the receiving method also forms an organic system , such as the individual structure of the receivers / audience , the social structure and etc . ) ; the third is the medium effect and lastly is the expression of the movie ideology connected with it . furthermore , the article makes a theoretical analysis of the problems from the point of social culturology and gets the opinions different from those of the foreign research worker ( esp . in europe and u . s . a . ) 比如:接收者觀眾的個性結構、社會結構,等等) 、媒介效果以及與此有關聯的電影中的意識形態的表述這四個方面論證了電影的大眾媒介特性,并從社會文化學的角度對這個問題進行了理論的分析,從而得出了與國外(主要是歐美)研究者有所不同的看法。

Under the guidance of historical materialism and other related theories and methods of anthropology and ethnology , the dissertation draws conception of the plain and highland into the study field of the status of dali women on the basis of the combination of field work and textual research of historical documents . choosing women as the object of study , the dissertation uses the theories and methods of women studies , culturology , history , folklore and sociology besides anthropology , and it studies the changes of women status in different ecological environment in dali district at present time 本篇論文正是從上述研究理論和方法出發,在實地調查與歷史文獻資料考證相結合的基礎上,以女性為研究的主體對象,綜合運用國內外相關的人類學、民族學專業知識,結合女性學、文化學、歷史學、民俗學、社會學等多學科理論和方法,從多角度、多層面研究了“大理地區不同生態環境下女性地位的變遷”這一命題,屬于應用人類學、應用民族學的研究范疇。

The thesis , which is directed against psychological barriers to communicate of middle school students , strives to make a systematic analysis on the causes of psychological barriers and probes into corresponding ways to deal with the situations at the angles of psychology , philosophy , linguistics , pedagogy , language culturology , philology and thought science so as to improve the students “ ability of oral communication and perfect their personalities 本文針對中學生口語交際心理障礙,力圖從心理學、哲學、語言學、教育學、語言文化學、文字學、思維科學等方面,多角度地系統分析心理障礙產生的原因,并探討相應的對策措施,以提高中學生口語交際能力,發展健全人格。

This dissertation , which lessons from and absorbs the past researches , utilizes some basic concepts and theories of sociology and culturology , bases on the positive history data as the foundation , wields the comparison method , computing method , and so forth of various methods , uses the change of the educational systems as the angle of view , sees about all kinds influence and its reason of country society at education realm and other and social realm about from 1900 to 1937 , and sums up some base characteristics of the country and chinese modern mode . its purpose is to make people to put the country society and the china society since 1840 in perspective from a new the angle of view completely 本文借鑒和吸收前人研究的學術成果,運用社會學和文化學的一些基本概念和理論,以實證性的歷史資料為基礎,通過比較研究和計量研究等多種方法,從社會史角度以學制轉軌為切入點,并將之置于清末民初( 1900 1937年)的歷史坐標上,對其給鄉村社會在教育領域及其他社會領域造成的種種影響及其原因作一歷史性的考察,并進而透視近代鄉村及中國現代化模式的一些基本特點,其目的就是使人們能夠以一個新的視角更全面地認識近代以來的鄉村及中國社會。

The thesis gives a new definition of brand culture from the angle of culturology . brand culture refers to the deposition of cultural characteristics and cultural p henomenon in b rand o peration ; it includes brand style , brand subject and brand ideal 并從文化學的角度對品牌文化做了新的界定:品牌文化是文化特質在品牌中的沉淀和品牌經營活動中的文化現象,它是品牌風格、品牌主題和品牌理念等的總和。

A semantic study of these words from the perspective of culturology can help us have a better understanding of chinese and english cultures , customs , religions and values as well as the learning and application of the two languages 從文化關照的角度探究這一語義現象,既可以了解漢英兩個民族的文化淵源、社會習俗、宗教信仰、價值觀念,又可以史好地促進兩種語言的學習和運用。

So far the d isciplinary angles of pedagogy philosophy of higher education and culturology h a ve been taken as references which have greatly promoted the research level 其實,學術界已經有意無意地從教育學、高等教育哲學、文化學等學科視域出發研究、審視“高等教育”范疇,這是對高等教育學學科建設的極大推動。

Memetics : a major breakthrough in the theoretical systems of culturology and linguistics by the end of 20th century 20世紀末文化學與語言學理論體系的重大突破

“ culture - identity “ is an important concept widely used in the field of culturology “文化認同”是文化學領域一個重要而被廣泛運用的概念。

Today , it is urgent to constitute a kind of culturology based on the paradigm of dialogue 在當代,建立對話的文化學已刻不容緩。

The significance of frankfurt school of sociology to the constructure of china ' s culturology 論法蘭克福學派對中國文論建設的意義

Moral education in the view of culturology 文化學視野中的道德教育

Community mediation in an legal culturology perspective 鄉土社會調解的法律文化學思考

Folk arts from the perspective of folk culturology 論民間文藝的民俗文化學意義

Russian lingu - culturology at the turn of the centuries 世紀之交的俄羅斯語言文化學