
culturist n.1.栽培者;培養者;養殖者。2.文化主義者。


This paper mainly discusses the characters of primary aquatic product and family breeding by collecting literature researches on industry organization of food safety . it also studies the impacting on the food quality and safety behaviors from the industry vertical connection and culturist organization through connecting with the case of process firm - culturist organization in zhoushan , zhejiang 本研究在總結以往食品質量安全的產業組織研究的基礎上,探討了初級水產品和養殖家庭經營的特征,結合浙江舟山養殖? ?加工產業組織實際情況,對產業內縱向聯系和養殖戶組織對養殖戶食品質量安全行為的影響進行了研究。

So , the paper uses porter ’ s “ five power ” model to find the feasibility of differential marketing strategy from supplier , customer , culturist and competitor , finding that feed industry has a good future , the demand of culturist appears new characteristics and other competitor can not find their position , upwards suppling the chance and the market guide for corporation adjusting his marketing strategy 基于上述問題,本文引用波特“五力競爭”模型,從行業視角觀測供應商、經銷商、養殖戶和競爭對手,尋找公司制定差異化營銷策略的必要性和可行性。分析發現飼料工業具有良好發展前景、養殖戶需求出現新的特征、競爭對手存在定位不準等情況,這為公司調整營銷策略提供了市場向導和機會。

According to marketing segmentation theory and positional theory , the paper considers the corporation ’ s ability and resource and chooses the professional hybridized pig culturist and scattered hybridized pig culturist . after making a market research and gaining the data and using the joint - analytical method of orthogonal design method to calculate the product preference of market culturist , then comparing the market position of competitor , the paper ensures kangda corporation ’ s product position to supply the differential marketing strategy 在此分析基礎上,本文根據市場細分和定位理論,結合公司的能力和資源,評估和選擇了土雜豬專業戶和土雜豬散戶這兩個具有發展潛力的細分市場,并根據市場調查獲得的數據,采用基于正交設計的聯合分析法分別獲得了目標市場養殖戶購買偏好,結合競爭對手的市場定位,確定了公司市場定位,為后續的差異化營銷策略制定提供支撐。

By means of theory analysis and empirical study , case study and questionnaire statistic , the paper has drew following conclusions : 1 . fishery industrialization , including vertical connections , culturist organizations and public service systems provide a carrier for the food safety organization transform 研究采用理論分析和實證考察相結合,案例調查和問卷統計相結合的方法,得出主要結論如下: 1 、漁業產業化,包括其中的產業內縱向聯系、養殖戶組織化和公共服務體系完善等,可以為食品質量安全的產業組織變遷提供現實載體。

At the same time , the kangda corporation firstly faced the negative saleroom , the salesman sending in one ' s papers and the cost of marketing increasing and increasing . the key problem is that the existing no - difference marketing strategy can not adapt the change of market and the demand of culturist . so , kangda corporation need institute differential marketing strategy to guidance the future marketing work to decrease the marketing cost , enhance customer satisfaction , and advance the competition of company so that the company can gain the excess profit 同時康大公司也遇到公司歷史上首次銷量負增長、營銷人員高流失、營銷成本大增等問題,原因在于現行的無差異化營銷策略不能適應市場變化和養殖戶的需求,故需要制定差異化營銷策略來指導未來營銷工作,以減少公司營銷成本,增加養殖戶和經銷商滿意度,提升公司競爭力,使公司獲得高于行業平均的利潤。

The paper discusses differential marketing strategy from 4p theory , protesting that the corporation uses different product , brand , price , promotion policy , promotion method and marketing distribution to satisfy culturist , emphasizing relation marketing , avoiding the conflict of distribution and advancing customer value . the terminal of the paper is to explain the shortage of the paper and demonstrate the research direction for the future 差異化營銷策略從產品、定價、渠道和促銷等方面展開論述,主張公司用不同的產品品種、產品品牌、定價標準、促銷政策、促銷方式和銷售渠道等服務于細分市場,滿足養殖戶的不同購買偏好,并始終強調關系營銷導向,謀求與養殖戶和經銷商建立長期關系,減少渠道沖突,提升顧客價值。

However , the connection are generally unstable . 3 . theoretically the culturist organization could reduce the transaction cost , and advance the diffuse of safe breed techniques among the culturists 3 、理論上養殖戶組織可以減少食品質量安全問題中的交易費用,同時還能促進安全養殖技術在養殖戶中擴散,為安全產品生產提供條件。

However , empirical analysis find that the effect culturist organization generate on the food safety activities of the culturists and vertical connections are not significant . 4 然而實證分析發現養殖戶組織? ?養殖協會對于養殖戶的質量安全行為尚未產生顯著影響,對于產業內縱向聯系的中介作用也尚未顯著發揮。

Oyster breeding is a hard job , the culturist almost do not have time to have meals 蠔民的工作非常辛苦,早飯都是蹲在蠔山邊草草地吃幾口。