
culture shock 文化沖擊〔在陌生的文化環境中不知所措等〕。


The reason is that culture shock is fundamentally a social and psychological phenomenon , and should be studied on the frameworks of sociology and sociopsychology 這是因為文化休克本質上是一社會和心理現象,所以必須在社會學和社會心理學的框架上來研究它。

Based on the theories of sociology and sociopsychology , the dissertation proposes that acculturation is a natural process that can lead to alleviated culture shock 在社會學和社會心理學原理的基礎上,本文還提出:外文化化是減輕文化休克的自然過程。

When teenager ren ( kevin bacon ) and his family move from big - city chicago to a small town in the west , he ? s in for a real case of culture shock 片中有年輕人喜愛的舞蹈和歌曲,且故事本身反映的就是年輕人獨有的理想和反叛性格,特別能引起年輕人的共鳴。

Part six is about the self adaptation of culture shock . chapter three is about the available method to overcome the culture shock ? intercultural communication training 在本章的最后一節,論述跨文化交往中對異文化的自適應過程,即文化休克與調節。

Browse the culture shock photo gallery , filled with eye - opening snapshots that remind us we live in a world of dynamic and infinite cultures 瀏覽“文化震驚”照片集,用這些令人瞠目結舌的照片提醒自己,我們生活在一個充滿動態而無限的文化的世界里。

I used to wonder if i would encounter a kind of culture shock , and i guess most of my colleagues worried the same when they first came to an soe 我曾經擔心是否會不適應邦信的企業文化,我想我的大部分同事在初次來到這個國有企業時都有這個擔心。

Jun : yeah , i haven ' t been eating properly either . feels like my whole system has gone crazy ! i thought culture shock was something emotional or mental 對啊,最近我吃的不好,感覺好象我的身體機能都亂套了!我以前一直認為文化沖擊只是情感或是思想上的

Culture shock might be called an occupational disease of people who has been suddenly transplanted abroad . like most disease , it has it own symptoms 文化震蕩可稱為突然移居到國外的那些人的一種職業病,像大多數疾病一樣,它也有其自身的癥狀

It ` s a culture shock , but something that you have to overcome if you are to succeed in your quest 去一個文化背景、生活方式和思維習慣截然不同的國度生活并非易事,文化沖擊不可避免,但你如想有所追求并取得成功,這種沖擊你必須克服。

To sum up the previous theories on the remedies for culture shock , the dissertation refers to the works by furnham , bochner and many other reasearchers 為總結前人克服文化休克的方法,本文主要參考furnham和bochner等人的研究。

“ culture shock “ is used to refer to this phenomenon in which people involved in the communication feel discomfortable , depressed , frustrated or shocked 這種負面現象就是“文化休克” 。本文嘗試分析了文化休克現象形成的原因。

Culture shock is caused by a number of reasons . generally , it may be caused by the confrontation of different value systems 文化休克的成因很多,作者認為主要原因有:價值觀不同,缺乏必要的社會技能,生活變故的負面影響。

It is possible to feel isolated and experience “ reverse culture shock “ when you return home for a visit after an extended period of time away 你很有可能感到被遺忘,并且當你經過一段時間后回國時可能會體驗到“反文化沖擊” 。

Some professors and students were invited to give speeches and share the culture shock that they have experienced in taiwan or in other countries 此次活動除了邀請老師與學生來演講,并且分享他們國內外所經歷到的文化沖擊。

In the final stage of culture shock , the newcomers begin to adjust to their surroundings and , as a result , enjoy their life more 在文化沖擊的最后階段,這些新來者開始適應自己的環境,結果是他們更喜歡自己的生活。

The theories on culture shock cited here include the disease model , the growth model and the stage theory of culture shock 本文所融合的前人關于文化休克的論述主要有文化休克的病理論、成長論和階段論三種。

These rules cover the causes and characteristics of culture shock , and can offer implications for possible treatments of culture shock 這些規律涉及文化休克的原因和特征,有利于尋找克服文化休克的方法。

Besides , new immigrants will be least bothered with culture shock if they are trying to learn local tradition or custom 3此外,如果他們能夠盡量學習當地的習俗和文化,他們也可能會受到更少的文化沖擊。

Culture shock is caused by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbls of social intercourse 文化震蕩是由因失去社交活動中人們熟悉的標志和信號而引起的憂慮所造成的。