
culture n.1.教養;修養;磨煉。2.文化,(精神)文明。3.人...

culture fluid

“it's their older culture and diplomacy that you like,“ said cowperwood . “你喜歡的是他們的古老的文化和外交手腕”柯帕烏說。

Joseph kohler saw the end of legal regulation in the promotion of culture . 約瑟夫科勒認為法律控制的目的是促進文化的發展。

The induction of a tumor by a virus in vivo can be reproduced in tissue cultures . 病毒在體內誘發腫瘤可以在組織培養中再現。

The axenic culture of rusts has been achieved on various defined media . 在各種規定的培養基上可得到銹菌的單體純凈培養物。

He has a better eye for similarities among cultures than for diversities . 他看各種文化之間的相似點比看其相異點更為透徹。

The real genius and interest of ireland lay in her art and culture . 愛爾蘭的真正天賦的愛好,體現在它的藝術和文化之中。

Many of the cells in such cultures have somewhat sculptured walls . 在這樣的培養液中很多細胞具有多少呈花紋狀的細胞壁。

The notion of achieving change gradually runs deep in eastern culture . 逐步實行改革的概念已深深地在東方文化中扎根。

No one excelled pomona in love of the garden and the culture of fruit . 在愛護花草培植水果方面沒有人能比得上波摩娜。

In the manufacture of sake the first step is the preparation of a culture of the mold . 釀酒過程的第一步是培養霉菌。

Such cultures could give rise to vascular tissues, roots and shoot buds . 這樣的培養可能產生維管組織,根和苗端芽。

It was not so much a rebirth as a recovery of an older culture . 與其說它是古代文化的再生,倒不如說是它的再現。

It inaugurated an effort to modernize chinese culture and society . 人們開始致力于中國文化和社會現代化的事業。

Many natural fibers decay rapidly when exposed to aerobic cultures . 許多天然纖維在需氧菌的侵襲下則迅速腐壞。

Through the medium of the syrians greek culture penetrated persia . 通過敘利亞人作媒介,希臘文化滲透到波斯。

Minute fragments of shoot apices are proverbially difficult to culture . 微小的莖尖切段通常是難以培養的。

This world view has become an integral part of our culture . 這一世界觀已經成為我們文化的一個組成部分。

Sometimes ancient traditions are preserved in the modern culture . 有時,現代文化中也保存著古代的傳統。

The morses no longer seem the epitome of culture to him . 莫爾斯家在他眼中似乎不再是文明的集中體現了。