
cultural adj.1.耕作的,開墾的,栽培[培養]的。2.教養的,...


Whatever changes are brought about, motion pictures will always remain an important american art form and a significant cultural force . 不管發生了什么變化,電影將永遠是美國的一種重要的藝術形式和重要的文化力量。

Cultural historians and moralists have tended to write from an aristocratic point of view and to decry the breakdown of standards . 文化歷史學家和道德家則傾向于從貴族的觀點出發來論述,竭力反對打破一切標準。

The universal declaration consists of 30 articles covering both civil and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights . 世界人權宣言共三十條,涉及公民權利、政治權利以及經濟、社會和文化權利。

Making good use of my opportunities in the postwar cultural boom i had reviewed bushels of books for “the new republic“ and the “times“ . 我趁戰后文化繁榮之機,給《新共和報》和《紐約時報》寫過許多書評。

Radicalism, cultural or political, was repellent to roger sherman's fellow-citizens of connecticut, the hartford wits . 羅杰謝爾曼的康涅狄格州同胞,哈特福德的才子們不喜歡文化上或政治上的過激主張。

Direct investment can become a fad just like any other activity of an economic, social, or cultural character . 就象經濟,社會或文化性質的任何其他活動一樣,直接投資也可成為一種一朝風行的時尚。

Some parks are famous for their scenery; others have special significance for students of geology or cultural anthropology . 有些公園以風景著名,有些對于研究地質學或人類學的學者具有特別意義。

What cultural progress they had made among those people was by advanced western standards negligible indeed . 他們在這些人們中間所取得的文化上的成就,按西方先進標準來衡量,的確是微不足道的。

To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends . 對于那些和我們享有同一文化和精神根源的悠久盟邦,我們保證給你們信義之友的忠誠。

The most widely used opportunities of generating publicity are sponsorship of cultural activities, benefit evenings . 發揮公共宣傳作用最有利的時機是贊助文體活動、義演晚會。

Simple improvements in cultural methods, and a better type of maize had much larger effects than fertilizers . 栽培方法的簡單改進和玉米良種的采用比肥料的效果要大得多。

This cultural inheritance was part of the general succession of the roman world over that of classical greece . 這是羅馬人所普遍繼承的古代希臘文化遺產的一部份。

How to satisfy this mass demand and at the same time maintain cultural standards is a difficult problem . 如何在滿足這一廣大需要的同時又能保持文化水準是個難題。

The adoption of the alphabet may account for the blossoming of cultural activity about 600b.c. . 采用了拼音文字可能說明何以公元前600年左右的文化活動繁榮起來。

The distinctions between latin america and angloamerica are not merely linguistic but also cultural . 拉丁美洲與盎格魯美洲不但有不同的語文,還有不同的文化。

laboratory cultures of the rhizobia can fix only under special cultural conditions. 實驗室培養的根瘤菌只有在特殊培養條件下才能固氮。

The vast majority of developing countries are agrarian in economic, social, and cultural outlook . 從經濟,社會和文化方面看,大多數發展中國家都是農業國。

The most widely opportunities of generating publicity are sponsorship of cultural or sporting activities . 發揮公共宣傳作用最有利的時機是贊助文體活動。

Man has rapidly been exhausting some of the most easily harnessed forms of cultural energy . 人類正在迅速地耗盡某些最易利用的人工能源形式。