
cultivation n.1.耕種,耕作;中耕;開墾;造林;栽培;(細菌等的)...


On cultivation of college students ' healthy personality 論大學生健康人格的培養

Cultivation techniques of bambusa textiles for paper - pulp 青皮竹紙漿林栽培技術

Knowing and action in zhu xi ' s theory of self - cultivation 朱熹工夫論的知行關系

On innovative thinking and the cultivation of abilities 論創新思維及其能力培養

A summary of the cultivation of grape quot; red globe quot 兼談陜西紅地球葡萄發展

Re - cultivation time of the temporarily acquired land 短期征用土地的復耕時間。

Practice teaching and cultivation of creative talents 實踐教學與創新人才的培養

Experimental study on cultivation technique of lily 切花百合栽培技術的試驗研究

Cultivation of yang yue , a district in the southeast of china 東南揚越之域的開發

On the cultivation of innovative spirit of college students 培養大學生的創新精神

On the cultivation of the virtuous literary market from the 看良性文學市場的培育

Trunks are used as medium for orchid cultivation 莖干被用為栽培附生蘭類的基質。

The advocatirg and cultivation of national spirit 論培育弘揚民族精神與文化選擇

On the cultivation of journal editors ' innovatory ability 論高校學報的編輯意識

The experiences from american national spirit s cultivation 美國如何培育民族精神

Technological tips for the cultivation of agaricus blazei 日本姬松茸栽培技術要點

The view of extending protected cultivation technology 推廣保護性耕作技術之我見

Potato eliminated poison and its high - yielding cultivation 甘薯高產栽培技術探討

Cultivation techniques of winter rape in tianshui city 天水市旱地冬油菜栽培技術