
cultivate vt.1.耕作,耕種;開墾;〔美國〕中耕,培土,養(魚等...


We must make an effort to cultivate an objective and detached ability to see things as they are . 我們必需盡力樹立一種客觀和超然的態度:要就事物的真象來考察事物。

Their american counterparts cultivated a form of literature that they liked to call the “romance“ . 他們的美國同行卻培植起一種他們親切地稱之為“傳奇”的文學形式。

His manner might have been called severe, though really it was more cultivated than austere . 他的舉止可以說是很嚴肅的,雖然實際上說莊嚴還不如說文雅更妥切一些。

The dry summer air cured them, much as storing in a barn cured the cultivated grasses . 夏天干燥的空氣使它們熟化,就象人工培養的牧草堆在牲口棚里達到熟化一樣。

The family had possessed and cultivated an estate there for many years, as yeomen and farmers . 這一家作為小地主和自耕農,在當地已定居多年,建立了一份家業。

It produced ecstasies in the cultivated that fill us now more with wonder than sympathy . 它在有教養的人們中間所引起的陶醉現在使我們感到的是驚奇多于同情。

Those who cultivate mathematics for its own sake are idle searchers given to a vain play of the spirit . 那些為數學而搞數學的人是白費精神的盲目的研究者。

He is allowed to cultivate hobbies , even eccentricities , but must not practice a vocation . 他可以培養各種愛好,甚至怪僻的性格,但不可以從事任何職業。

In an unclouded harmony of tastes and interests they cultivated ferns in wardian cases . 出于和諧一致的興趣和愛好,他們在沃德式的玻璃罩盒子里種植文竹。

If the west gloried in being wild and woolly, it was also eager to be tame and cultivated . 如果說西部為它的粗野莽撞自鳴得意,它也急于要想溫順優雅。

She had meant to revert to her former condition of important and cultivated uncertainty . 她本以為會回復到原先那種關系:有教養而矜持地不作決定。

The cultivated soybean is an erect, bushy annual plant of great morphological diversity . 栽培大豆是一種直立、叢生、形態變化很大的一年生植物。

Etheridge, who was tall, slightly stooped and cultivated a lincolnesque image . 埃思里奇個頭很高,微微有些駝背,修養成一種林肯式的風姿。

I want to enjoy my own faculties as well as to cultivate those of other people . 我不但要培養別人的才能,還要享受自己的才能。

At mme. forestier's suggestion duroy began to cultivate mme. walter . 經弗賴斯節夫人提醒,杜洛瓦開始博取華代爾夫人的好感。

It was in the spirit of the cultivated tourist that he approached his destination . 他以一個高雅游客的心情到達了目的地。

Man has greatly accelerated these changes since he began cultivating the soil . 自開墾土壤以來,人類大大加速了這些變化。

He went on cultivating his patch, loving his wife and children . 他們平時只是耕作自己的一小塊土地,眷戀自己的妻子兒女。

They cultivated maize, beans, squashes, and tobacco, in garden beds . 他們在園圃的土壇上種植玉蜀黍、菜豆、南瓜和煙草。