
cultivable adj.1.可耕種的,可栽培的。2.可培養的;可教化的。


Due to the law and regulation systems lag or absent relatively , the right and benefit of the farmer can ’ t get true safeguard and realize . the living right of the farmers whose cultivable land has been lost are seriously threatened . all of these affect the safety of state and society 由于我國現有法律制度中對農地增值利益? ?農村土地發展權(以下簡稱農地發展權)規制的空缺,農民權益無法得到維護和落實,特別是大量失地農民的生存權受到嚴重威脅,給國家和社會的安定帶來嚴重影響。

As the result of financial system innovation , venture capital has it “ s unique characteristic : it is cultivable investment rather than industrial investment and it ' s profit comes from transferring stock of high - tech enterprise rather than investment of fixed capital and floating capital 作為世界經濟轉型期金融體制創新這一內在動力作用的結果,風險投資有其獨具的特點:風險投資是培育性投資而不是產業化投資,其獲得的利潤來源于對高新技術企業投資股權的轉讓所得到的資本收益而不是某個產品規模化生產階段的固定投資和流動資金的投資。

Test results have shown that the cultivable layer made of the filter cake of tailings mixed with appropriate coal ash powder , after one years fertilization and cultivation , can be used for planting crops and their production can pass that of the same local crops , which proves a good cultivation result 試驗結果表明,尾礦濾餅添加適量粉煤灰的耕作層經過一年的培肥熟化后,即可種植農作物,其產量超過了當地同種農作物的產量,耕作效果良好。

In acidic soils , its toxicity is considered to be the most limiting factor for plant productivity . based on an estimate of the world ' s potentially arable land resources , it has been estimated that most of the cultivable area ( 78 . 4 % ) is composed of acid soils 全世界有39 . 5億hm ~ 2酸性土壤,其中可耕土壤面積為1 . 79億hm ~ 2 ,如何解決酸性土壤的鋁害問題已經是不容忽視的一項重要課題。

Climate change is likely to make essential resources notably freshwater , cultivable land , crop yields and fish stocks more scarce in many parts of the world , particularly in already vulnerable societies 氣候變化可能致使全球很多地區尤其是局勢動蕩地區的基本資源(主要有淡水、可耕地面積、糧食產量以及魚類資源)更為匱乏。

The two major challenges facing china today center on maintaining sustained economic growth and feeding its growing population of over 1 . 2 billion people with only seven percent of the world ' s cultivable land 現在,中國面臨的兩大挑戰是保持持續的經濟增長和靠世界上僅僅百分之七的可耕地養活仍在增長的12億人口。

This has provided valuable data for extension of cultivable land 這樣就提供了有關擴大可耕地面積的寶貴數據。

Research of the homeostasis policy in protection of cultivable land 耕地總量動態平衡政策實證研究

The stock of cultivable land in industrial countries is more or less fixed, so excess demand resulting from high farm prices and incomes will tend to bid up land rent . 工業國可耕地的數量或多或少是固定的,因此高的農場價格和農業高收入所造成的過度需求將會抬高地租。