
culprit n.1.犯人,罪犯。2.【英法】刑事被告,未決犯,嫌疑犯...


So - yeon risked her life to come because the culprit cannot leave 素妍冒險前來是因為罪犯不能離開這兒

Rmb underestimated is the culprit causing property bubble 人民幣匯率低估是造成房產泡沫的罪魁禍首?

Now we must catch the culprit and prove to people it ' s not a ghost 我們必須抓住兇手以證明沒有鬼魂

“ and yet here are two culprits . “但是,這兒有兩個犯人呀。

Once they found the real culprit , they let mary off the hook 他們一發現真正的罪犯,就釋放了瑪麗。

I have just apprehended the culprits who robbed the bank of england 我剛剛抓到搶劫英國銀行的罪犯

The duo struggled with the culprit and were both injured 該兩名女子與疑匪發生糾纏,并同告受傷。

Many of the culprits have died and those who haven ' t are old 何況很多罪魁禍首死的死、老的老。

Standing about 1 . 73 meters , the culprit is of strong build 兇徒身高約一點七三米及身材健碩。

The culprits will be punished , all of them 所有的嫌犯將會被懲罰

Some considered diseases such as verticillium wilt the culprit 一些人認為是棉黃萎病為其病因。

We ' ll catch the culprits , never fear 別擔心,我們會逮住罪犯的。

The singer is the culprit of the affair 這次的事就是這個歌手干的

Why me ? you ' re the culprit ? you go 為什么是我?你才是主犯,你去

The culprit couldn ' t meet my eye and looked down at his feet 犯人不敢正視我而低頭看他的腳。

The culprits then reportedly made off with the carton box 匪徒劫去事主的紙箱后,逃去無? 。

Someone broke a cup : who was the culprit 有人把杯子打碎了,是誰干的

The police are now on the scent of the culprit 警方已獲得罪犯的線索

Here is the culprit as it is being removed from the bladder 這是已經去除了結石的膀胱。