
culpability n.該罰,有罪。


In fact , impossibility has its unique value and is associated with many criminal fundamental principals such as subjective and objective culpability , constitution of a crime . it should not belong to attempted crime and cannot be regarded guilt in every instance , or safeguard and protection function of criminal law cannot be realized at the same time 其實,不能犯不應從屬于犯罪未遂,它有其獨立的存在價值,并與主客觀相一致、犯罪構成等諸多基本理論淵源深厚,不能簡單粗暴地一律視為犯罪處理,否則,刑法保障和保護功能的一致性就無從體現。

If the requirements under the inland revenue ordinance ( “ iro “ ) are not complied with , the relevant punitive provisions empower the commissioner , depending on the nature andor the degree of culpability of the offence and at her discretion , to institute prosecution , to compound or to assess additional tax ( which is a form of penalty ) in respect of the offence 如任何人未有遵守《稅務條例》的規定,有關的罰則賦予局長酌情權按違例行為的性質及或犯錯程度,提出檢控、以罰款代替檢控或評定補加稅款(后者是罰款的一種方式) 。

This article also probes the relations between harmful consequence and other elements of constitution of crime , such as the relation between harmful consequence and subject , and target , and culpability . harmful consequence can not exists independently , without the mutual interconnected and infiltrated relations between harmful consequence and other elements 接下來,文章對危害結果與犯罪構成中其他要素的關系進行了論述,主要論述了危害結果與主體,與行為對象,與主觀罪過之間的聯系,危害結果與這些構成要素之間存在著一種相互聯系、相互滲透的關系。

The first part of the paper reviews the development of the theory of anticipation possibility , and introduces the basis of this theory - the theory of norm culpability , and points out advantages of the theory of norm culpability by contrast to the theory of psychology culpability 第一部分回顧了期待可能性的發展歷程,簡要勾畫了期待可能性的判例淵源與理論演進,介紹了期待可能性的理論根基? ?規范責任論,比較了規范責任論與心理責任論兩種罪過理論,并指出規范責任論比心理責任論的優越之處。

Part 3 : the grounds why crimes obstructed do not construct crime . in this thesis , the author consider that the act under the consent of the victim and serf - destruction are criminal object obstructed ; the severe damages of people who has incapacity for criminal responsibility is subject of crime obstructed ; the other acts are culpability obstructed . rn the part of culpability obstructed / esearched the basic theories of culpability , the author consider that the culpability is orgnic combination of the psychological factors and the evalution of legal norm . culpability evaluting , with regard to different form of culpability , the criminal rules negates and condemns the different side of psychological factors of actorin the situation of criminal intent , emotion and will , in the situation of criminal negligence , cognition , that is insufficient cognition in negligence with undue assumption and no cognition in careless negligence 本文認為經權利人承諾的行為與自損行為是犯罪客體阻卻事由,無刑事責任能力是犯罪主體阻卻事由,而其他所有的犯罪阻卻事由都屬于罪過阻卻事由。在罪過阻卻事由部分,本文探討了關于罪過的豺理論,認為罪跟心理事實與規范評價的有機結合。在罪過評價時,對不同的罪聊式,刑法規范否定與譴責行為人不同方面的心理事實:在犯罪故意場合,否定與譴責的是心理事實中的情感意志因素;在犯罪過失的場合,否定與譴責的只是心理事實中的認識因素,即過于自信過失的認識不足與疏忽大意過失的無認識。

If the requirements under the inland revenue ordinance “ iro “ are not complied with , the relevant punitive provisions empower the commissioner , depending on the nature and or the degree of culpability of the offence and at her discretion , to institute prosecution , to compound or to assess additional tax which is a form of penalty in respect of the offence 如任何人未有遵守稅務條例的規定,有關的罰則賦予局長酌情權按違例行為的性質及或犯錯程度,提出檢控以罰款代替檢控或評定補加稅款后者是罰款的一種方式。

The popular theory in the circle of criminal law is that joint offense must contain the joint subjective culpabilities , there should be intention liaison in the accomplices ’ subjective aspect , which could only be intentional but not negligent ; hence joint negligence offense is not tenable 刑法理論界通說認為,共同犯罪必須存在共同的主觀罪過,即共同犯罪人之間在主觀上應存在犯意聯系,那么在主觀上只能是故意而不能是過失,因此過失共同犯罪通常被認為是難以成立的。

Ferguson , absolving himself of any culpability , has advised some of his closest associates that he has been appalled by van nistelrooy ' s attitude since he was dropped from the carling cup final on february 26 and that nothing the manager did could snap him out of it 弗格森認為自己沒有過失,他告訴過自己最接近的幾個人說他對范尼被排除在聯賽杯決賽之外的態度感到震驚,經理做的事情并不能一下子把范尼踢出球隊。

The supporters of this theory ultimately defeated the proponents of the theory of psychology culpability through a 20 - year debate , and make this theory become the orthodoxy opinion of culpability theory 其倡導者經歷20余年的論戰,終于擊敗心理責任論的支持者,使這一理論成為罪責理論的通說,這一理論傳到日本后,因學界的鼓吹,又成為日本刑法理論的主流。

Pluralism is a double - edged sword , which you could either give credit of innovation of out - dated conventions to or blame for its culpability of breaking cultural order and resulting in cultural and spiritual crisis 它是一把雙刃劍,你可以把掃蕩陳規陋習、推陳出新的功勞歸于它,也可以把瓦解文化秋序、渙散人心、造成文化精神危機的罪責加諸于它。

This thesis will tend to analyse and illustrate this theory from the various perspectives and wish to arouse the public attention to the theory of criminal culpability . this thesis is composed of five parts 本文即以此理論作為對象,對之進行多角度,多方位但并非面面俱到的剖析與詮釋,以期廣泛引起各界人士對這一極具感性的責任理論的注意。

Say but one affectionate word to me , and tell me there is nothing angry or estranged between us , and i will detain you no longer . good miss pross ! as if the estrangement between them had come of any culpability of hers 我可以再也不見你,只要你跟我說一句真心實意的親熱話,只要你說我們倆彼此沒有生氣,也沒有隔閡,我就再也不來耽誤你。 ”

Nevertheless , in cases of repeated offences of the same nature or the degree of culpability of the offence in any particular case is considered serious , the department may institute prosecution actions under section 80 ( 2 ) 然而,納稅人如屢犯同一性質的違例事項,又或某宗個案的犯錯程度嚴重,本局可根據第80 ( 2 )條的規定采取檢控行動。

Nevertheless , in cases of repeated offences of the same nature or the degree of culpability of the offence in any particular case is considered serious , the department may institute prosecution actions under section 80 然而,納稅人如屢犯同一性質的違例事項,又或某宗個案的犯錯程度嚴重,本局可根據第80 2條的規定采取檢控行動。

The third part of the paper , on the ground of the demerits of the current culpability theory , demonstrates the necessities of the reference of the theory of anticipation possibility 同時,文章在期待可能性的研究方法上進行了嘗試性的開拓,研究了期待可能性弱失的構成要件,指出成立期待可能性的弱失必須具備事實要件和價值要件。

This discussion raised issues from the very serious , such as the culpability of dumbledore in sending harry back to an abusive household , to a fun look at what lessons rita skeeter can teach journalists 這個討論引起了從很嚴肅的爭議像鄧不利多將哈利送回口出惡言的家的過失,到很輕松的注意像麗塔史磯能教新聞學的課。

The theory of anticipated possibility as the core of the theory of the normative culpability is the theory of main current criminal culpability in the continent ’ s law system , especially in germany and japan 期待可能性理論,是大陸法系國家,特別是德國和日本當今刑法界主流的責任理論? ?規范責任論的核心理論。

Objectie . to inestigate the claim of culpability of bacteria in causing the local inflammatory process seen in patients with disc herniation and radiculopathy 目的.評估一種關于細菌培養可能性的說法。這種說法認為,這種通過引起椎間盤突出和影像學改變病人局部炎癥反應的細菌可以被培養出來。

Their arguments make this theory become an orthodoxy opinion of the culpability theory . it has been already pervaded in the law system of the continental countries after world war 二次世界大戰之后,該理論成為責任理論中的時代寵兒,風靡大陸法系各國,而有危機理論稱號。