
culpa n.〔拉丁語〕1.過失;犯罪。2.【法律】疏忽;過失。


Part two pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of the obligations before contract which have been regarded as reliable benefits and attached obligations . secondly , the writer clarified the difference between the obligations before contract , culpa in contrachendo and attached obligation . thirdly , it generalized the central form of the obligations before contract which were joint obligations , protection obligations and information obligations 在對先契約義務的分析中,筆者首先分析了把先契約義務推理為契約義務、定性為信賴利益及附隨義務的利弊;其次,對先契約義務與締約過失責任及附隨義務的區別進行了闡述;最后,概括了先契約義務的典型表現形態為協力、保護和告知義務。

The provisions of contract law about the proceedings , such as serious misunderstanding , obviously unfairness , culpa in contrahendo , the obligee ' s right of revocation , subrogation , anticipatory repudiation the assignment of rights or transfer of obligations , etc . , need not to be stipulated in labour legislation repeatedly 這些規定說明,所有有關勞動合同的規定都是合同法律體系的組成部分。諸如合同轉讓、債權人撤銷權等事項,凡《合同法》已作規定,勞動立法中就沒有必要重新規定。

Therefore starting from labor contracts ' attribute of social law , this paper tries to make it clear that liability for culpa in contrahendo can ' t copy the provisions of contract law , and using the method of game theory makes a feasibility analyses f obligations and responsibilities and causes the labor contract law in revision to clarify the liability for culpa in contrahendo and improve the deficiency in the signing stage of labor contracts 因此,作者從勞動合同的社會法屬性出發,明確勞動締約過失責任不能完全照搬合同法的規定,并運用博弈論的方法對義務及責任進行可行性分析,使正在修訂中的《勞動合同法》明確勞動締約過失責任,完善勞動合同訂立階段的不足。

On the part of obligations after contract , firstly , the writer pointed out the imperfectness of regarding it as expansion for the culpa in contrachendo and attached obligations . secondly , the difference between obligations after contract and culpa in contrachendo and sub - commitment obligations was explained . thirdly , it generalized the central form of obligations after contract which were assistance obligations , joint obligations and information obligations 在對后契約義務的分析中,筆者首先指出了把后契約義務確認為締約過失擴大化及附隨義務的不妥之處;其次,闡述了后契約義務與附隨義務及次給附義務的區別;最后,概括了后契約義務的典型表現形態為照顧、協助、通知、禁止同業競爭義務。

Based on this , some widely established rules including the rule of total compensation , the rule of foreseeability , the rule of mitigation , the rule of counterbalance between loss and profit , and the rule of compensatio culpae are discussed in details 在此基礎上,筆者從比較法角度系統闡述了各國確定違約損害賠償范圍的諸規則(主要包括完全賠償規則、可預見規則、過失相抵及損益相抵規則、減輕損失規則)的內涵、理論發展及相關問題。

The party concerned , who disobeys precontractual obligations on purpose or by mistake before the contract goes into effect and results in the failure , effectiveness , change and cancellation of the contract , will take liability for culpa in contrahendo 摘要在合同生效之前,當事人因故意或過失違反先合同義務,導致合同不成立、合同無效或被變更、撤銷的,均應承擔締約過失責任。

But the apology by cctv football commentator huang jianxiang - who was responsible for the extraordinary outburst of pro - italy bias during his call of the australia - italy game - falls well short of a proper mea culpa 但是央視足球評論員黃見湘對他自己在澳大利亞對意大利隊的比賽中異乎尋常的爆發,一邊倒的捧意(貶澳)而作的(公開)檢討根本就不是老實認錯的態度。

I . c is discussed from views of the conception , composition and the ceiling compensation of reliance interest , as well as the applicability of compensation culpa 接著從信賴利益的概念、構成、是否以履行利益為限及是否適用過失相抵四個方面研究了締約過失責任范圍。

At the sametime , the culpability of aggravated consequential offence should be culpa , andthus the aggravated consequential offense should have no unaccomplishedoffender and joint crime 而它的結果加重犯是出于過失,故不存在未遂形態和共同犯罪。

This is why , in spite of the attendant embarrassment , mattel ' s mea culpa prompted a rise in its stock price rather than a fall 美泰的道歉盡管令其尷尬,但其股價不跌反漲,其中原因就在于此。

Labor contract is a kind of contract and liability for culpa in contrahendo should be embodied in labor legislation 勞動合同也是合同的一種,締約過失責任也應在勞動立法中得以體現。

Mea max . ima culpa 我是個罪人。

One is not always liable before law for culpa resulting in damages 一個人因疏忽而造成損害時,在法律之前并非一定要負責任。

Mea culpa . mea culpa 我有罪,我有罪。

Analysis of culpa in contrahendo 淺析締約過失責任

On the guarantee of flaws of things , leistungst ? rungsrecht and culpa in contrahendo 履行障礙法與締約過失責任

The mea culpa even a little bit further , 我一點點的過失

On culpa in contraction liability of the donor in the bestowal contract 贈與合同中贈與人的締約過失責任

My apologies . engine trouble . mea culpa . mea culpa to the tenth power - - 我道歉.車拋錨了.都是我的錯