
culmination n.1.頂點,極點,極度。2.最高潮;極盛期,絕頂;成就...


This production is clearly the culmination of the visionary directors work , which used the theme of trying to defeat the gun years before once upon a time in china 男主角傅聲出道后,拜洪門傳人劉家良為師,苦學武藝,本片即為傳聲真功夫演出之一。

The rich visual arts of vajrayana reach their culmination in the sacred mandala , a representation of the universe used as an aid for meditation 金剛乘富有視覺的藝術在神圣的曼陀羅里面達到了它們的頂點,一種對宇宙的描繪,用作幫助于冥想。

The agreement represents a long awaited culmination of discussions and negotiations that have taken place over the past five years between the united states and china 這項協定是過去五年美國與中國多次磋商和談判的結果,為人們期待已久。

But the sign indicating that the third great shaking was upon us , the culmination of the end - times , would be when people went to live in the sky 但世界末日的最后徵兆顯示第三次大晃動即將來臨,是人們住在天空之時,那時就是凈化的時候了。

I carried out my plan because i felt the chief had some fear of those of my race , of those uncountable forebears whose culmination lies in me 我之所以這么做,是因為我覺得頭頭瞧不起我這個種族的人? ?瞧不起在我身上匯集的無數先輩。

Returning to hong kong , mr tung in the evening attends a national day celebration show that marks the culmination of local events held to celebrate the anniversary 行政長官回港后,傍晚出席本港國慶活動的壓軸節目- -國慶匯演。

This production is clearly the culmination of the visionary directors work , which used the theme of trying to defeat the gun years before once upon 男主角傅聲出道后,拜洪門傳人劉家良為師,苦學武藝,本片即為傳聲真功夫演

The challenger 2 main battle tank is the current mbt of the british army and represents the culmination of 80 years of tank design 挑戰者2型主戰坦克挑戰者2主戰坦克是英國陸軍現役裝備,是其80年以來戰車設計水平的巔峰。

If she does it , ochs will be the guinness book of world records “ oldest college graduate . but it will also be the culmination 美國堪薩斯州一位95歲老人即將和孫女一同大學畢業,有可能打破吉尼斯年齡最高畢業生世界紀錄。

In chinese and ayuredic medicine , pregnancy is the culmination of a woman ' s creatie energy , and must be honored and respected 在中國和印度傳統醫學看來,懷孕是女性創造能力的顛峰,必須予以敬重和尊重。

Earning my wings was the culmination of a childhood dream that i had set for myself after my first plane ride at the age of five 我也和他們一樣,深深地迷戀上了飛機和冒險,以及給予他人幫助。

The spectre of eugenics , which reached its culmination in nazi germany , haunts both politicians and public 優生學的幽靈的特性,它在納粹德國達到了它的頂點,它在政客和公眾那都揮之不去。

For our athletes , a place on america ' s team is the culmination of years spent training and competing 對我們的運動員來說,在美國代表隊取得一席之地意味著在多年苦練和競賽后達到頂峰。

The culmination of these planning efforts will be a competition for the nccam international centers for research on cam 這些國際合作伙伴的研究成果是將來競逐更大型資助計劃的起點。

The final paper is the culmination of the three writing assignments students have worked on over the course of the semester 期末報告是學生于這學期中課程內的三次寫作作業的最高潮。

The north carolina china center is the culmination of the dreams of many and the efforts of many more 北卡中國中心就是這樣一個凝聚著許多人夢想的巔峰以及更多人共同努力的結晶。

The festival was also the culmination of cleverlearn vietnam s eleven - week english learning summer program 該聯歡會是cleverlearn越南推出的為期11周的夏日學英語活動的最高潮。

Lately , his focus is on his web site , which he sees as the culmination of nearly a quarter - century of research 最近,他的重點是他的網站,他已經過了近四分之一世紀的科研工作。

Over the arched front door are inscribed “ culmination world “ in huge charactcrs and “ not this world “ beside them 拱形大門上有“中天世界”四個大字,旁題“非人間”三字。