
culminate vi.1.到絕頂,達于極點,達最高潮;【天文學】到中天[...


Equipment management is discussed as summer load culminate . it is important of backup generators for critical sites during power outage 討論了夏季高溫峰荷時的設備管理,強調了大停電時備用發電設備的重要性。

Of course , many portray intermarriage as gradual genocide that will culminate in the disappearance of their particular group 當然,也有很多人認為異族婚姻是一種慢性種族滅絕,最終將導致某些種族的消失。

It ' s a fitting symbol for the city ' s nocturnal nature , which often culminates in summer with a bleary - eyed rush hour just before dawn 破曉之前的夏夜,雅典的夜生活通常會在人們睡眼朦朧的時候達到頂峰。

The buddhists , however , describe the culminating trancelike state as transient ; final nirvana requires the insight of wisdom 然而,佛教卻描寫這種絕頂的出神狀態是短暫的;最后的涅磐需要洞察力的智慧。

It ' s a fitting symbol for the city ' s nocturnal nature , which often culminates in summer with a bleary - eyed rush hour just before dawn 破曉之前的夏夜,這種特色通常會在人們睡眼朦朧的時候達到頂峰。

A project will be done in phases through the term , culminating in a project report that accounts for 1 / 3rd of the course grade 在學期中要按階段完成一個專題,最后寫一個專題報告,占課程成績的1 / 3 。

A project will be done in phases through the term , culminating in a project report that accounts for 1 / 3rd of the course grade 在學期中要按階段完成一個項目,最后寫一個項目報告,占課程成績的1 / 3 。

As the series progresses , more advanced topics will be covered , culminating with an advanced real - world awk application demo Daniel將演示如何處理多行記錄使用循環結構,以及創建并使用awk數組。

This culminated in the first direct presidential election in 1996 , and first peaceful transfer of power between political parties in 2000 一九九六年總統直選與二年政權首度和平轉移時達到顛峰。

The two - year phased introduction of the accessibility programme culminated in september 2006 with computers being available to all government staff 現時,政府每名員工都有專用或共用的電腦。

That could culminate with the england striker taking a place among the substitutes against chelsea at st james ' park 那將使得英格蘭前鋒在圣詹姆士公園迎戰切爾西替補出場時的狀態達到頂峰。

The culminating point of this sweep of walls was the papal gate , that is to say , near the present site of the pantheon 這道弧形城墻的中心頂點是教皇門,即大致上相當于先賢祠的現在位置。

The two ideologies clashed repeatedly , culminating in a military conflict that led to victory for the united states 兩種意識形態反復碰撞,并在一次導致美國人獲勝的軍事沖突中達到頂點。

By the normal standards of mobile robotics , that would be a culminating demonstration for a research project 以行動機器人的正常標準來看,對一個研究計畫而言,這種成果可謂登峰造極。

He suffered from manic depression , which gradually got worse , culminating in his suicide when katherine was 46 他深為躁狂抑郁癥所苦,病情日漸惡化,最后在凱瑟琳46歲時自殺身亡。

Wherever he is satisfied with what he does , he has reached his culminating point - - he will progress no more 一個人對所做的事感到自滿的,就達到了頂點,不會再前進了。

Student participation in the areas of interaction will be culminated in the personal project 學生對相互作用領域岸的理解,最終將在個人設計這份畢業作業里體現出來。

The course will culminate in a large , final composition and a public concert during the last week 課程將以期末大型樂曲創作,以及最后一周的公開音樂會做為結束。

Religion starts with fear , passes through love and adoration and culminates in the union with the lord 宗教由恐懼開始,經歷愛與崇拜,最終發展到與神合一。