
culm n.【植物;植物學】(竹、蘆、草等空心的)莖,桿。vi....


In this project , culms of lodging - sensitive and lodging - resistant varieties of wheat ( triticum aestivum l ) were compared at the morphological level to determine the anatomical features that are associated with these traits . this analysis revealed that lodging resistant culms are short , possess thicker mechanical tissue , and had larger vascular bundles 首先以不同品種的小麥為實驗材料,對其主要非葉器官?莖稈,從解剖結構、木質素含量、以及抗倒伏的力學特性等方面做了詳細的比較研究。

Based on the situation of demand exceeds supply in the market , the author would like to find out the constraints of the water chestnut development by use of pra ( participatory rural appraisal ) in a survey to carry out stakeholder analysis including the water chestnut farmers , government and processing companies . also , the author applied a tool of system theory to analyze the constraints of water chestnut plant production development . the results are as following : the study shows that a main factor that restricts the plant yield ( per unit yield ) and quality ( product quality ) of water chestnut is the low level of prevention and control of water chestnut culms damping - off ; a disease of the water chestnut 針對賀州市荸薺產業發展中的“銷大于產”的突出矛盾,筆者通過運用pra (參與式農村評估)方法,對荸薺種植區的農戶、政府機構、加工流通企業等進行了調查研究,并運用系統科學的方法對荸薺種植系統的不同組成因子的制約因素進行分析,得出研究結論如下:農戶對荸薺稈枯病害的綜合防治水平偏低,制約其荸薺種植的產量(單產)和質量(商品質量) 。

Based on visual rice growth models ( vrgm ) and the techniques of “ vigorous root - strong culm - heavy panicle “ , “ once - for - all basal application “ etc , rice expert system of cultivation management for high yield has functions of inquiry , optimum decision on agronomy measures , cultivation management decision , diagnosis and control of physiological problems , disease and insect pests 該系統以可視水稻生長模型系統為基礎,以水稻“旺壯重”栽培技術、一次性全層施肥技術、水稻全程化控工程等研究成果為知識中心,試圖覆蓋水稻全部栽培過程和方式,為水稻栽培管理決策提供優化方案。

Semiquantitative analysis of lignin content in the culm by confocal laser scanning microscopy ( clsm ) showed that lignin contents are elevated in lodging - resistant varieties and this together with the anatomical features may provide higher culm strength resulting in increased lodging - resistance 因此,在超高產小麥品種的選育上,重視外源基因的引進,改進莖稈的結構特性及提高其木質素含量,可能是一個重要的選育方向。

In terms of culm size , biomass , distribution and adaptability , 33 bamboo species with potential value for energy - oriented use are listed in this paper , among which 14 being sympodial , 18 monopodial and 1 amphipodial 摘要根據竹子個體大小、生物量高低及其分布狀況和適應性,文中列出了33種具有潛在能源化利用價值的竹種,其中,合軸叢生或散生型14種,單軸散生型18種,復抽混生型1種。

The growth and development of the ratooning buds of the combinations with slow decreasing speed of lai during the filling period and high dry matter accumulation in culm and sheath after the milky stage were quick 灌漿期間葉面積指數下降緩慢,乳熟期后莖鞘干物質再積累量高的組合再生芽發育快。

Increase of potassium level is associated with increase of lodging resistance through maintenance of high turgor pressure in cells of rice culm 提高鉀水平來維持水稻禾莖細胞的高膨壓,與抗倒伏有關。

Theroy and techniques of vigorous root - strong culm - weighty panicle cultivation method for double cropping rice 雙季稻旺壯重栽培法的理論與技術

Accordingly , modern korean rice varieties have shorter and stiffer culm characters 結果,現代韓國水稻品種具有禾莖短硬的特點。