
culex n.(pl. -lices ) 【動物;動物學】(普通)...


Apart from conducting weekly inspection and anti - mosquito operations at the vicinity of pig farms , as well as areas where migratory birds gather and are close to human residences , the department has also launched promotion and education activities to publicise the preventive measures for culex tritaeniorhynchus 而食環署除了每周往豬場周圍及接近民居的候鳥聚集地進行巡查和滅蚊外,還推行宣傳和教育活動,向市民宣揚防治三帶喙庫蚊的訊息。

Fehd s pest control officer - in - charge of the food and environmental hygiene department fehd , mr yuen ming - chi , said at the briefing that the major vector for je in hong kong , culex tritaeniorhynchus had been collected at sha kong tsuen and its surrounding areas 食物環境生署防冶蟲鼠主任主管袁銘志在記者會上表示,署方曾在沙江村及鄰近地方,發現日本腦炎在香港的主要病媒-三帶喙庫蚊culex tritaeniorhychus 。

Reviewing the data of the past year , mr . lam remarked , the campus is inhabited by many species of mosquitoes . it is hard to say which predominate but luckily the culex mosquito which transmits japanese encephalitis is rarely found 總結過去一年的數據,林先生說:校園里有不少蚊種,很難說哪一種較多,不過幸好沒有會傳播日本腦炎的三帶喙庫蚊。

Noting that there is concern about whether mangroves found at the seashore in the area was a breeding ground of the je vector , mr yuen said salted water is not the natural habitat for culex tritaeniorhynchus 至于有人士關注該區海旁的紅樹林是否日本腦炎病媒的滋生地點,袁銘志表示咸水并不是三帶喙庫蚊的滋生地。

Culex mosquitoes , which can transmit japanese encephalitis , breed in large volumes of stagnant water . they can spread the disease after biting infected pigs or wild birds 可以傳播日本腦炎的庫蚊喜歡在大量積水中滋生,它們叮咬感染日本腦炎的豬只或野鳥后,會傳播這個疾病。

The principal vector of je , culex tritaeniorhynchus breeds in water - logged abandoned fields , rice fields , marshes and water collections around cultivated fields (三)日本腦炎的主要病媒是三帶喙庫蚊,它們在積水的荒田、稻田、沼澤和耕地周邊的積水處滋生。

Objective the bioactivity of twelve novel pyridine ring derivatives of podophyllotoxin were tested against 3rd instar larvae of culex pipiens pallens 摘要目的研究新型吡啶類鬼臼毒素衍生物對3齡淡色庫蚊幼蟲的的毒殺活性。

“ the recorded local culex species that breed in salted water is culex sitiens which is not a vector for the transmission of je , “ he said 本港有紀錄發現于咸水滋生的庫蚊是屬于海濱庫蚊品種,并不是傳播日本腦炎的病媒。

As potential breeding grounds are plentiful in vast areas of the new territories , culex tritaeniorhynchus could be widely found in 由于這類潛在滋生地點分布新界廣泛地區,所以香港多處地方均可能有三帶喙庫蚊的蹤跡。

Until now , only the culex mosquito , which is active at night , has been shown to transmit west nile virus to humans 迄今為止,發現只有在夜晚活動頻繁的庫蚊能將西尼羅河病毒傳播給人類。

The virus is transmitted by the bites of infected mosquitoes . culex tritaeniorhynchus is the principal vector of the disease 此病由日本腦炎病毒引致,給帶病毒的蚊子叮咬就會染病。

The infection is primarily transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito , principally the culex species mosquitoes 西尼羅河病毒主要是由帶有病毒的病媒蚊主要為庫蚊而傳播的。

The principal type of mosquito that transmits the disease is called culex tritaeniorhynchus 日本腦炎的主要病媒蚊是三帶喙庫蚊culex tritaeniorhynchus 。

Effects of foods on the development of culex pipiens pallens and its susceptibility to insecticides 食物種類對淡色庫蚊幼蟲生長發育和藥劑敏感性的影響

Field observation on the efficacy of insecticides mixed with octachlorodipropyl ether against culex pipiens pallens 復配殺滅現場淡色庫蚊效果觀察

Susceptibility of culex pipiens pallens to insecticides in jinan airport 濟南口岸淡色庫蚊對常用殺蟲劑敏感性研究