
cuisine n.1.廚房;烹調法,烹飪。2.菜肴。


This menu has the entire gamut of cuisines 這份菜單上有所有的菜肴。

French , italian , germany and russian cuisines are available 可提供法意德俄等西式大餐。

The hotel has numerous restaurants , mostly serving chinese cuisine 主要經營重慶菜粵菜。

Aromas cafe restaurant provides exotic vegetarian cuisine Aromas西餐廳供應異國風味的素餐

Mr . zhang qiang , do you like chinese cuisine 張強先生,你喜歡中國菜嗎?

Cuisines , snacks , and medicinal foods 介紹火鍋文化火鍋吃法及做法等。

Finest traditional scottish and chinese cuisine 傳統蘇格蘭風味及中國佳

Cantonese : sichuan , shandong , guangdong cuisine and western food 風味菜系:川魯粵西式。

Enable more people to enjoy the european food cuisine 為更多顧客提供歐洲的食品飲食材料

On the local cuisine within the boundaries of jiangsu province 論江蘇境內的地方菜肴風味

Journal of sichuan higher insistute of cuisine 四川烹飪高等專科學校學報

A yes , cantonese food is different from beijing cuisine 是的,廣東菜和北京菜很不一樣。

Cantonese food is different from beijing cuisine 廣東菜和北京的不一樣。

A fusion cuisine using fiction in the classroom 以朗讀帶動課堂的教學體驗

Try shanghai cuisine we ' d like to try shanghai cuisine 你還可以這樣簡短地說i ' d我想

Origin and historical development of shandong cuisine 魯菜文化的歷史源流

Fish sauce is a commonly used seasoning in teochew cuisine 魚露是潮州菜常用的調味料。

On the key words of the ancient chinese cuisine culture 中國古代科學文化的特質及其意義

Do you know the many other dishes of japanese cuisine 你知道其他日本料理菜肴的名字嗎