
cuirass n.1.婦女胸衣。2.胸甲,【動物;動物學】保護(骨)板...


Of the fourth section of opinions , the most prominent representative was the grand duke , and heir - apparent , who could not get over his rude awakening at austerlitz . he had ridden out at the head of his guards in helmet and cuirass as though to a review , expecting gallantly to rout the french , and finding himself unexpectedly just in the line of the enemys fire , had with difficulty escaped in the general disorder 第四派以大公皇太子為最著名的代表,他不能忘記自己在奧斯特利茨戰役所遭受的失敗,當時他頭戴鋼盔,身穿騎兵制服,就像去閱兵似的騎馬行進在近衛軍的前面,實指望干凈利落地擊潰法軍,結果卻陷入第一線,好不容易才在驚慌中逃出來。

Then they began to pass around the dusky , piquant , arlesian sausages , and lobsters in their dazzling red cuirasses , prawns of large size and brilliant color , the echinus with its prickly outside and dainty morsel within , the clovis , esteemed by the epicures of the south as more than rivalling the exquisite flavor of the oyster , - all the delicacies , in fact , that are cast up by the wash of waters on the sandy beach , and styled by the grateful fishermen “ fruits of the sea . 現在便開始盡情地享受那些放滿在桌子上的美味佳肴了。新鮮香美的阿爾臘腸,鮮紅耀目的帶殼蝦,色彩鮮明的大蝦,外面有刺而里面細膩上口的海膽,還有為南方食客所極力贊美認為比牡蠣還香美可口的蛤蜊這一切,再加上無數從沙灘上捕來的,被那些該感謝的漁夫稱為“海果”的各種珍饌美肴,都呈在了這次婚筵席上。

At about the centre of the oaken panels , that lined the hall , was suspended a suit of mail , not , like the pictures , an ancestral relic , but of the most modern date ; for it had been manufactured by a skilful armourer in london , the same year in which governor bellingham came over to new england . there was a steel headpiece , a cuirass , a gorget , and greaves , with a pair of gauntlets and a sword hanging beneath ; all , and especially the helmet and breastplate , so highly burnished as to glow with white radiance , and scatter an illumination everywhere about upon the floor 大廳四周全都鑲嵌著橡木護墻板,正中位置上懸接著一副甲胄,那可不象畫中的那種遺物,面是當時的最新制品因為那是在貝靈漢總督跨海來到新英格蘭那一年,由倫敦的一位技術熟練的工匠打造的,包括一具頭盔一面護胸一個頸套一對護腔一副臂銷和吊在下面的一把長劍。

Traversing the long and matted gallery , i descended the slippery steps of oak ; then i gained the hall : i halted there a minute ; i looked at some pictures on the walls one , i remember , represented a grim man in a cuirass , and one a lady with powdered hair and a pearl necklace , at a bronze lamp pendent from the ceiling , at a great clock whose case was of oak curiously carved , and ebon black with time and rubbing 我站了一會兒,看著墻上的幾幅畫記得其中一幅畫的是一個穿看護胸鐵甲十分威嚴的男子,另一幅是一個頭發上搽了粉戴著珍珠項鏈的貴婦,看著從天花板上垂下來的青銅燈看著一個大鐘,鐘殼是由雕刻得稀奇古怪的橡木做的,因為年長月久和不斷地擦拭,變得烏黑發亮了。

Green crab , also say to curium predestined relationship green crab , head cuirass is short and wider , two side do not have long thorn , nearly elliptic , viridescence is lubricious , big individual have 10 centimeters long normally , 14 centimeters wide 青蟹,也稱鋸緣青蟹,頭胸甲短而較寬,兩側無長棘,幾近橢圓形,青綠色,大個體通常有10厘米長, 14厘米寬。

Brini , papal nuncio in papal zouave s uniform , steel cuirasses as breastplate , armplates , thighplates , legplates , large profane moustaches and brown paper mitre . leopoldi autem generatio 身穿教皇軍的祖亞沃軍服,披著鋼制皚甲,包括胸甲臂甲護腿具護脛具蓄著褻瀆神明的大胡子,頭戴褐色紙制主教冠。

Cuirass = your zombies attack faster , making more zombies , more zombies equal better push bigger army , means harder to stop , better chance of taking down towers / raxes 強襲裝甲=你的僵尸攻擊速度變快,這樣可以繁殖更多僵尸。更多僵尸意味著更快的推倒強大的敵人,也意味著難以阻止,更多機會推塔。

“ and the more , madame , “ said monte cristo , “ as the orientals do not confine themselves , as did mithridates , to make a cuirass of his poisons , but they also made them a dagger “還有一點,夫人, ”基督山說道, “東方人并不象米沙里旦司那樣只限于用毒藥來做護心鏡,他們也把它當作匕首來用的。

For battle they wore a cuirass ( breastplate ) , helmet , and greaves 戰場上,他們身著重裝胸甲,頭盔和護脛甲。