
cue n.1.【戲劇】(暗示對方接言的)尾白,提示。2.暗示,...

cue ace

Could the eyes alone be emotional cues to children 兒童情緒表情識別的眼睛線索之發展研究

Let me get my cue , will you ? hey , nick 讓我拿我的球桿,好嗎?嘿,尼克

All right , dan , l guess l ' m going to take that as my cue 好吧,丹尼.我知道你在暗示我

Keyboard cues are underlined after the change 鍵盤提示在更改后加下劃線。

Setting , the new set of audio cues is available 設置,就可以使用一組新的聲音提示了。

- that ' s your cue . then you enter . - i know 這就是我給你的暗號,然后你就開始我知道了

When i clap my hands , that ' s the dog ' s cue to bark 當我拍手時,就是暗示要狗出聲了。

I ' m sorry . what ' d we say my cue was 抱歉,我們講好給我的暗示是什么來著?

- tell him to cue it up . i ' ll be right in . - -告訴他把東西收好,我馬上就到

That ' s your cue . then you enter . - i know 這就是我給你的暗號,然后你就開始我知道了

We have 4 . 2 minutes ! - that ' s your cue , sharkbait 我們有4分20秒! -看你的了,鯊魚餌

To do this , the pilot uses two sets of cues 為了能夠完成這些,飛行員使用兩種提示。

I got one barrel , no cue . how the hell do i like it 錢不夠,又沒球桿.叫我怎么玩

She ' ll give you the cue when you ' re to start 到你開始的時候她會給你暗示的。

As if her body is taking cues from her mind , 就像她的身體從她的意識中獲得暗示

Couldn ' t catch a frisbee on cue . works all the time 連飛盤都抓不住,卻老有工作!

Picked up a cue , and i just knew how to play 拿起一根球桿,才剛學會怎么打球

Where ' d you get that stick ? is that johnny ' s cue 你從哪得到的?那是強尼的球桿嗎

Taking his cue from his father , he apologized 取得來自他父親給的提示,他道歉了。