
cuddly adj.1.引人擁抱的,可愛的。2.喜歡擁抱的。


Suart will talk on twenty - six topics including : celebrity , the call of the north , don quixote and self - reference , moby dick and nineteenth century whaling , frankenstein , cuddly penguins , polar expeditions , arcadia , and global warming 小話將談論這26個題目,包括名流、北國的呼喚、唐吉訶德與自我參照、 moby dick與19世紀捕鯨活動、科學怪人、親親小企鵝、北極探險、世外桃源、全球變暖危機等。

Although japan is known for its slavish devotion to all things cute and cuddly , teddy bear fans and sellers have gathered from far and near , including some from the united states , europe , singapore and new zealand 盡管日本人素來以喜愛樣子可愛的抱抱玩具而著稱,但是此次展銷會上如云的顧客和參展者中還有眾多來自世界其他地區的泰迪迷,有美國人、歐洲人、新加坡人,還有新西蘭人。

Given the option , i wouldn ' t mind a committed relationship with a cuddly , caring partner - preferably someone with minimal emotional baggage and the kind of income to support a nice summer house 當然,如果可以選擇的話,我倒是不介意去忠實于一個可愛又體貼的伴侶? ?當然他最好是沒有過去的感情包袱,又有不少收入,最好可以附帶買得起一套漂亮的房子。

The german manufacturer of world cup mascot “ goleo “ has declared itself insolvent . german media reports said sluggish demand for the cuddly toy lion was partly responsible for the firm ' s problems 據路透社5月16日報道, 2006年德國世界杯的吉祥物獅子格列奧自面世后就不太受大眾歡迎,市場需求很少,這成為其生產商nici玩具公司破產的原因之一。

Simply soft and cuddly , a pure wool throw evokes a sense of natural comfort and tranquility . the rich texture of merino wool is casually finished with a twisted fringe 款式樸素大方、質地柔軟舒適、令人不禁想擁之入懷,純潔的羊毛小毯能給人一種自然舒適和靜謐的感覺。美利奴羊毛豐富的織紋在彎曲的流蘇的映襯下顯得格外的休閑、精致。

Indoors this sturdy dog becomes a cuddly toy , that likes to spend hours on end lying on your lap or at your feet , while demanding ( and receiving ) your undivided attention 在家中,性格剛毅的邊境牧羊犬卻是非常惹人疼愛的寵物,它們喜歡幾個小時地蜷伏在主人的腿上或者腳邊,借此向主人表達它的忠心耿耿,希望得到主人一心一意的呵護。

He is sharp as a tack and tough as nails . yet , when this 500 - an - hour attorney is around children , a different part of him suddenly comes to life . just like that , he becomes sweet and cuddly 我認識這位荷里活大律師,他受訓于哈佛,他的客戶全都是名人在法庭里,你絕對不想成為他的對手,他的詞鋒銳不可當

Since 9 / 11 , the image has lost its menace and become comforting : a cuddly but indomitable guardian bestrides the citadel and fends off the jets before they can slam into it and set it alight 從911以來,這景象已失去他的威脅性而變的很安慰:可愛又不屈不撓的守衛者橫跨城池并在噴射機沖入引火前打下來。

This kind of thing went on throughout the 20th century and continues today as photographers exploit the poignancy of a child ' s death by nudging cuddly toys closer to a blood - stained hand 此類事情貫穿整個20世紀,現在仍在繼續? ?攝影師把可愛的玩具靠近血跡斑斑的手,使人們對一名兒童的死辛酸不已。

The city is getting a cuddly gift for the 10th anniversary of the handover : two youngsters from the china conservation research centre for the giant panda in wolong 贈港大熊貓賀回歸十周年國家林業局從四川臥中國大熊貓保護中心選出1對贈港大熊貓,慶祝香港回歸祖國10周年。

In many european countries , no ambitious politician would want to be seen with a hunting rifle in his hands and a cuddly [ 7 ] animal in his sights 在許多歐洲國家,沒有哪一個胸懷大志的政治家希望別人發現,自己手中拿著一支來福槍,對著視線中某個小生靈。

Given the choice , what conservation flagship species would you chose to cosy up to : the cuddly giant panda or the slimy giant squid 如果給你一次選擇的機會,哪種重要的物種你認為自己會有責任去保護:人見人愛的大熊貓,還是粘糊糊的大章魚?

He came out from china when he was two years old , not long after beijing first began handing out the cuddly - looking bears in a bid to improve foreign relations 他2歲時來自中國,當時北京才剛剛開始送出這種討人喜愛的熊來改善外交關系。

These illnesses are the tragic consequences of the national penchant in japan for turning things cute and cuddly into social status symbols 日本人生性酷好把可愛和討人喜歡的東西變成社會地位象徵,這些疾病便是悲劇性的后遺癥。

Every year , in the antarctic , an incredible love story occurs between thousands of small , cuddly penguins 在南極洲,每年都有成千上萬只小巧可愛的企鵝,演繹著一個個令人難以置信的愛情故事。

He is excessively fond of creatures which he would call cuddly pets and anyone else would call fearsome monsters 他近乎瘋狂地熱衷于神奇生物,就連可怕的巨怪在他眼中也不過是可愛的小寶貝。

Sure they might look cuddly getword ( “ cuddly “ ) ; at the zoo , but in the wild they eat elephant seals for breakfast 沒錯,動物園的北極熊看上去非常可愛,但是在野外,海象可是他們的早餐哦。

Germany ' s baby polar bear may be cute and cuddly , but is also making big money for the berlin zoo 在德國,一頭寶貝北極熊非常可愛,令人愛不釋手,而且為它的東家柏林動物圓帶來了豐厚收入。

“ cuddly lovers “ were favoured by 21 per cent , while 16 per cent would like to find a balding gent like bruce willis 的女性喜歡可愛型男人, 16 %的人喜歡布魯斯威利斯那樣的光頭紳士。