
cryptocrystalline adj.【礦物】潛晶(質)的,隱晶(質)的。


The texture can be systematically classified as the six types : the felt - like texture , the micro - fibrous cryptocrystalline texture , the micro - fibrous texture , the micro - leaf - like cryptocrystalline texture , the micro - leaf - like texture and the radiated fibrous texture 通過對青海軟玉顯微結構的觀察與研究,按其主要礦物透閃石組分的表現形式,較為系統地劃分青海軟玉的主要結構類型為:毛氈狀結構、顯微纖維隱晶質結構、顯微纖維結構、顯微葉片狀隱晶質結構、顯微葉片狀結構以及放射狀纖維結構。

The massive tripoli is a kind of soft siliceous rock which is composed of cryptocrystalline quartz . the rock could be prepared for active ultra - fine quartz by airflow pulverization and surface modification . the ultra - fine siliceous powder is a kind of high - quality filler in plastics and rubber 塊狀硅土礦是一種由隱晶質石英組成的松軟硅質巖,通過氣流粉碎與表面改性制備出的活性超細石英粉是一種優質的橡塑填料。