
crypto n.(政黨、社團等的)秘密成員,秘密支持者。


This thesis is composed of following parts : the fundamental theory of the modern cryptology is briefly researched , in which the mathematic model of cryptology , data encrypt principle and galois field theory related with elliptic curve crypto is discussed 論文的主要內容為: 1研究了現代密碼學相關的基本理論,介紹了密碼系統的數學模型、數據加密原理和與橢圓曲線加密密切相關的有限域理論; 2

Browsers that have been distributed within the us or manufactured by companies outside the us can create 128 - bit session keys and thus connect to similarly manufactured and distributed servers in full - strength crypto 美國出口的瀏覽器祗能制造40位元對話方塊密碼匙,但美國國內經銷或美國以外公司生產的瀏覽器則能制造128位元對話方塊密碼匙,因而可連接到以類似方法生產或銷售的全強度密碼伺服器上。

Then we show an algorithm design of the elliptic curve crypto based on galois field . as a main part , the design theory and concrete solution of it are presented step by step , ic chip design method for implementation of the algorithm is described in detail 設計完成了一種基于有限域的橢圓曲線加密算法,主要包括適合于168bit橢圓曲線加密的有限域乘法、加法、除法器的實現; 4

While this method will allow you to read s mime messages if you had a proper crypto engine , it might not be a convenient solution for you and can only be used for helping decode s mime , and not notes , encrypted messages 盡管該方法允許您讀取s / mime加密訊息(如果您有一個適當的密碼引擎的話) ,但是這種方法并不是方便的解決方案,只能用于解碼s / mime ,而對notes加密訊息無效。

In advances in cryptology - crypto 91 , lncs 547 , springer - verlag , brighton , uk , april 1991 , pp . 72 - 77 . 8 sadeghiyan b , pieprzyk j . on the necessary and sufficient conditions for the construction of super pseudorandom permutations Camellia是歐洲密碼大計劃nessie的最終獲勝者,并且是日本政府選定的用于電子政務的密碼算法,它采用的整體結構是feistel結構。

Although managed applications that use cryptography can always choose to explicitly bind to a particular implementation , it is recommended that they create cryptographic objects by using the crypto configuration system 雖然使用加密技術的托管應用程序總是可以選擇顯式地綁定到特定的實現,但仍建議它們通過使用加密配置系統來創建加密對象。

Advances in cryptology - crypto 2000 , lecture notes in computer science 1880 , santa barbara , california , usa , 2000 , pp . 255 - 270 . 7 g ateniese , b de medeiros . efficient group signatures without trapdoors Bilinear diffie - hellman和強diffie - hellman假設上的,滿足群簽名方案的所有屬性,不但效率較高而且簽名的長度在所有已知的方案中也是最短的。

Because our examples use the same bouncy castle crypto apis on both server side and client side , it is very easy to change them to sign a message on the wireless device and verify it on the server side 因為我們的示例在服務器端和客戶機端使用相同的bouncy castle crypto api ,所以很容易更改它們以在無線設備上簽署消息并在服務器端驗證它。

He teases out subtle linkages between the two of them , tiny “ crypto - currents ” , as he calls them , which demonstrate the extent to which the writers were preoccupied by each other , even without being fully aware of it themselves 他調侃兩人微妙的關系為微小的“暗涌” ,這體現了兩名作家互相關注的程度,甚至他們自己都沒有完全意識到。

Because the bouncy castle crypto package is based purely on the java language , it relies on the slow jvm to perform even the most intensive big integer mathematical operations without special optimization 因為bouncy castle crypto包完全基于java語言,所以它在沒有特殊優化的情況下依靠很慢的jvm來執行甚至是最密集的大整數數學運算。

But nikita borisov , ian goldberg , and david wagner presented a paper to the mac - crypto conference in january of this year that detailed 802 . 11 s architectural security vulnerabilities see 但是, nikita borisov 、 ian goldberg和david wagner于今年一月在mac - crypto會議上提交的一篇論文詳細描述了802 . 11的體系結構性安全弱點(請參閱

The crypto tools ( the software ) previously provided by the former i - security solutions limited ( the company ) has become unavailable for sales andor distribution after the company closed down in 2003 已于2003年結業的i - securitysolutionslimited ( issl ) (該公司)所發行的cryptotools軟件,已于該公司結業后停止發售及分發。

D . boneh , m . franklin , “ identity - based encryption from the weil pairing , “ advances in cryptology - - crypto ' 2001 , lecture notes on computer science 2139 , springer - verlag ( 2001 ) , pp . 213 - - 229 . full version 然后再在這個網站上找一些看就有數了。當然這個網站最近2年的文章沒有,你可以到各大密碼會議的接受論文中查找。

Advances in cryptology - crypto 1997 , lecture notes in computer science 1294 , santa barbara , california , usa , 1997 , pp . 410 - 424 . 5 camenisch j , michels m . a group signature scheme with improved efficiency 在asiacrypt2004上, nguyen和safavi - naini利用橢圓曲線上的雙線性對bilinea pairing提出了一種新穎的群簽名方案。

T . r . n . rao and chung - huang yang , “ aryabhata remainder theorem : relevance to public - key crypto - algorithms , “ proc . 2005 symposium on cryptography and information security , kobe , japan , january 2005 , pp . 1111 - 1116 楊中皇,橢圓曲線密碼系統軟體實現技術之探討,資訊安全通訊,第十一卷第一期,頁15 ~ 25 , 2005年1月。

8 boneh d , boyen x , shacham h . short group signatures . in proc . advances in cryptology - crypto 2004 , lecture notes in computer science 3152 , santa barbara , california , usa , 2004 , pp . 41 - 55 因此我們的分析表明nguyen和safavi - naini在asiacrypt2004上提出的方案不滿足群簽名的安全性要求,不是一個安全的群簽名方案。

Also we study the ecc crypto theory in the field of public crypto system , in which the ecc encrypt principle , safety , reliability , as well as the structure of ecc based on galois field is focused on 研究了公鑰加密系統中的橢圓曲線加密理論,詳細闡述了有限域上橢圓曲線的結構及其基本運算; 3

Among them , crypto technology is the core of the information security technology . with the computer network continuously penetrating to various fields , the application of cryptography is expending 其中,信息安全的核心是密碼技術。隨著計算機網絡不斷滲透到各個領域,密碼學的應用也隨之擴大。

As people cozied up to digital communications , and e - commerce became a force in the economy , the need for crypto ' s near - magical power of encryption and authentication became red hot 當人們盡力迎合數字交流,電子商務成為經濟中的一支力量時,對于密碼近乎魔術的譯碼和確認功能的需求日益迫切。