
cryptic adj.1.隱藏的,秘密的;神秘的;難解的。2.【動物;...


In this article , the experimental studies on bacterial waving growth from vegetative cell ( vc ) to cryptic growth cell ( cgc ) have been reported 本文實驗研究細菌由繁殖體到潛生體反復進行的波動生長過程,旨在闡明波動生長形成宏觀有序結構的自組織機制。

First of all , it generated lots of e - mail messages - one for each modified file - and secondly , the messages were cryptic and sometimes even empty Struts為jsp開發者提供了一組易用的jsp標記,這些標記可用于從循環和流程控制到錯誤消息和國際化的各種用途。

Provide for ease of interpretation with concise but not cryptic standard single line alarm message wherever the alarm is displayed or logged 無論在何處顯示或記錄警報,都要預備好便于理解的、簡潔的而不是含糊不清的、標準單行報警信息以供使用。

All references in distributed system diagrams are resolved based on names instead of globally unique identifiers guids or other cryptic identifiers 根據名稱而不是全局唯一標識符( guid )或其他加密標識符對分布式系統關系圖中的所有引用進行解析。

You will use this dialog box to create a named calculation that you will use to display the full product line name instead of the cryptic name 您將使用此對話框創建一個命名計算,該命名計算將用來顯示完整的產品系列名稱,而不顯示加密名稱。

Masters of disguise , scorpion fish use cryptic coloring and specialized appendages to help them hide from predators and surprise prey 作為喬裝高手,天蝎魚用隱秘的著色和適合于隱身的肢體幫助它們避免被掠食者發現和躲避隨時會遇到的襲擊。

In an interview in el mundo , the man , referred to only as guillermo , claims to remember hearing cryptic family conversations in german as a child 這名男子在接受《世界報》采訪時稱,他年幼在德國的家中曾偷聽到過有關自己家族史的秘密。

In an interview in el mundo , the man , referred to only as guillermo , claims to remember hearing cryptic family conversations in german as a child 這名男子在接受世界報采訪時稱,他年幼在德國的家中曾偷聽到過有關自己家族史的秘密。

Disadvantages : difficult to learn , cryptic syntax , tough to do efficiently , and it takes much more code to get something done - - not for the faint of heart 缺點:難學、語法晦澀、堅持效率,造成大量額外代碼?不適于心臟虛弱者。

After some trial and error to debug this rather cryptic error , we learned that soappy does not like python time tuples with 在調試這個相當隱諱的錯誤的試驗和出錯之后,我們了解到soappy并不像python時間元組( time tuples )在

They tried to be more verbose in the logging and to capture information at the lowest level rather than logging a bubbled up cryptic message 他們盡力使記錄更為詳細,并在最低級別捕獲信息,而不是記錄大量含義不清的消息。

Possibly the most famous portrait of all time , mona lisa ' s cryptic expression has intrigued art lovers for five centuries 《蒙娜麗莎》堪稱傳世名作,而五個世紀以來,畫中蒙娜麗莎的神秘微笑則讓眾多藝術愛好者們迷惑不解。

Developers have skills that can help : they often have to decipher arcane and cryptic error messages from the compiler 開發人員卻擁有這樣的能力來改善這一點:他們常常不得不破解編譯器給出的費解和難懂的錯誤信息。

This is a slightly cryptic prompt asking you which type of odbc driver you want to configure , and where it is installed 這是一個稍微有點隱蔽的提示,它詢問需要配置哪種類型的odbc驅動程序,以及將它安裝在哪里。

In this article , you learned about the various class loading exceptions , from the most basic errors to some more cryptic ones 在這篇文章中,學習了不同的類別載入異常,從最基本的錯誤到一些更神秘的錯誤。

Unbalanced braces can often lead to cryptic , impenetrable compiler errors that can sometimes be hard to track down in a large program 錯誤的括號常常很隱秘,在一個較大的程序中難以被編譯器查找到錯誤。

Cryptic icons aren ' t helpful , create visual clutter , and prevent users from focusing on the important menu items 含義模糊的圖標不僅沒有幫助,會引起視覺上的混亂,并且還會妨礙用戶發現重要的菜單項。

Property returns a text message describing the error ; you can alter it to make a cryptic message easier to understand 屬性返回描述錯誤的文本消息;您可以更改該消息,使意思不明確的消息更易于理解。

Anyone who reads the british national papers on 14 february will see romantic britons at their most lovelorn , cryptic and erotic 翻開2月14日的英國報紙,誰都會看到浪漫的英國人為相思而備受折磨。